Summer of Plunder – World Campaign Month 1 recap

By Tyler Stone

We have had our first full week of campaign gaming in July, and the latest results are flooding in! The Brethren of the Coast have widened their lead, claiming 22 of the more than 100 games played. They’re not ahead by much though, and the English are doggedly pursuing the unruly pirates with 20 games to their name. Hot on their heels are the Spanish and French, each claiming 19 games.

The Brethren have cannily utilized every means at their disposal to slip ahead – reporting both ‘Blood & Plunder’ games played, as well as matches of ‘Oak & Iron’. For their efforts, they will claim (or perhaps pillage) the overall prize for the first month of gaming. But do not be discouraged! There is still plenty of time to rally behind your favored faction and drive them on towards victory. The gap between first and last is still less than 20 games, and for those who followed Captain Tom’s plea for aid and witnessed a resurgent Spain, you’ll know how little 20 games can mean. New alliances are always in the wings, such as this union of Dutch and Swedish interests:

A Word from the Aristocracy
To all Swedish and Dutch Commanders

I, as Governor of the Swedish Forces, have aligned with the Dutch Republic to further both our interests. Every entry for Sweden or the Dutch will also boost the other. I look forward to this being a profitable exchange between our two Nations.

I am also still looking for Oak & Iron homebrew rules for Sweden, Scotland, and Portugal. Make sure you playtest the rules, and report it to the campaign.
~ Guy Rheuark, Swedish Governor

Courtesy Colleen Swader


New France – Dispatch from the desk of Comte de Frontenac
Capitaines des Francais!

It has come to our ears that Admiral de Graaf made a poor showing off the coast of that Spanish hovel in Hispaniola. New of his defeat must surely have reached our enemies abroad in the Old World, for the English scrape at our doorstep like bloodhounds tracking a wounded beast. But this is not the Caribbean. No, my comrades, this is New France. They bark at the door to Quebec itself, but we shall offer no reply but from the mouths of our cannons!

For we are Canadienne! I have seen the cornered moose wreak savage carnage upon the prowling wolves – and like the great spirit of this land we shall treat these English to the same! Captains of the Canadian Militia, of the Canadian Privateers – rally to you our brave Milice Canadienne. Call the Coureur des Bois out from the woodlands. Treat with our allies the Wabanaki to show you the secret paths through the untamed wilds. Fall upon these English with all the ferocity of the raging blizzard, be you on land, or at sea, or upon the great lakes of the North. Fight and prevail, and report your battles to the campaign so that the world may know the glory of New France!

The campaign is only just entering its middle phase and it’s not too late to participate. For those just joining in – the rules are very simple. Play a game against an opponent (or with the B&P Solo Rules) and take at least one photo. Then, email your name, who you played against, the factions used, and your photo to – please, also let us know if it is okay to use your photo in our reports (we love to give credit where it’s due, and showcase everyone’s lovely minis).

Courtesy North Brush Studio

Don’t fret too much about choosing a force, you are welcome to change forces, to report multiple games, and to pursue as many challenges as you wish. There will be prizes given out periodically during the campaign for completing the Captain’s secret challenges, and a grand prize awarded at the end to random players from the victorious faction. Of course, that means that the prize will be going to the glorious French – I’m not biased at all, obviously. So get out there, and get those games in!