Fall In 2018 Event Coverage: Team Yankee

By Dennis Campbell AKA Matt Varnish

Photos by the Author

Fall-In 2018 No Dice No Glory put on a Team Yankee tournament as part of the Iron Man competition (best combined score between Flames and Team Yankee)    In between going to buy un-necessary armies at the vendor hall, I took a Metric TONNE of pics for you guys (metric…Canadian Joke)    Also, we ended up having EACH NATION represented, including the Free-loader Nations!


Kurt Reese’s beautiful Soviet army.    Taking BTRs freed up the points to let him take 12 artillery!

Bill White’s stunning US force. He won Best Painted, and it was well-deserved. He has both Ltd edition objectives, I’m jealous!


Let’s get a closer look. He has ration boxes on his vehicles! Well done on the extra details.


Max Beck was running French with some US allied M-60s, vs some East Germans


Aussie’s vs the BTR’s


Lancaster Host never ceases to disappoint. They tarped off the big huge gaming room, didn’t tell anyone, so a lot of GM’s showed up and couldn’t run their games. There was a game I wanted to try out, but the GM didn’t have a table. We had lots though, so played through the rainwater on the cement floors!


French Recce and transports on a tiny treeline template.


British infantry ‘tab up’ their Milan’s into position.  (I’m even using the correct british lingo)


Brian Reid dug deep into his heritage and brought out his Canadians. I checked, the Lynx’s had the correct patterns. I wonder how his ADATS performed?


Bill White’s M113 Mortars adopting a hull-down position near some M-60s     Someone radio them to do a 180!


Geppards, fielded for the Royal Netherlands Army, by Chris Jackson.  Clearly, they want that EM-50!


Bill’s Sheridans suffer casualties.


Dutch APC seizes the objective


Soviets on the Oil Wars table (I brought a table of modern desert terrain). Lots of 80s dictator propaganda around as well.


Luchs spearhead through the refinery towards the Dictator’s Statue


These BRDM’s know where to get the best deals “since 1941, Honest Ahmed’s Arms Emporium”


Even though I have 50 desert palms, when I spread them out to line the streets, it looks a bit sparse!


Jim Best’ deploys, with some tunes going on his phone.. Anthrax!    Who knew that the Communists had good taste in Thrash?  Wait, isn’t one of the lyrics “Crush the Sov’s with a Counter-Attack” on?!


Check out the Berlin Reichstag flag objective.. nice!


With a lot of players going with lots of small light vehicles, there was certainly no shortage of wrecks.


Brits try to stem the Red Tide of Kurt’s russians.


Larry ponders his next move (background) while Chris and Bill white fight over the suburbia table.


More wrecked Sheridans, or more accurately, the same ones wrecked in a different game.


Russians want the EM-50 too.  Heck, I’d kill for one!  (they did not have them out yet at Cold Wars 2018)


Jim Best and James Copeland.


East Germans advance into north-eastern France. That advert, is that the Patron Saint of Incontinence?


More shots of Max’s French.


These infantry proved tough to dislodge from the warehouse…


.. while this other section if infantry advance past the barracks to defend that objective.


Ah yes, the bane of my soviet T-72s: LARS mine cluster munitions!


The T-55AMs and BRDMs of the NVA are trying to pressure this infantry…


Not sure why, these last pics just exemplify Team Yankee for me. Yes, the ranges are way too close, and it looks like a ‘carpark’ but it also looks awesome! The NVA have to press home the attack into the British infantry.


I see a polish objective, so maybe these were Poles, but they were painted as NVA east germans.  Whichever, they were putting on the pressure to the Thin Red Line of BAOR troops.



Matt Varnish, AKA Dennis Campbell, plays Team Yankee, Flames of War, and Black Powder in the frozen wastes of Canadia. Check out my youtube channel for hundreds of :

2 thoughts on “Fall In 2018 Event Coverage: Team Yankee”

  1. Nice article and some beautifuly painted armies. πŸ˜‰
    What was the point limit for the tournament ?



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