Team Yankee: New Year, New Rules, New Army?

by Dennis ‘Matt Varnish’ Campbell

With the new version of Team Yankee now out, I can finally put some thought into Team Yankee again!    Last year I had vowed to simply stop playing V1 Team Yankee until the new rules came out, after playing my Syrians and getting confused at and 2 local events in the spring between V1 TY rules and V4 Flames rules.  My Syrians did decently despite the list being garbage and me not taking the french gear that I should (Gazelles, Milans), winning probably through weight of numbers alone and not skill or anything.

However late 2019, I acquired a US Team Yankee force in a trade and what a perfect way to get into the new army, with some new rules!   Tristan, the previous owner, had wanted a Desert Storm army, to be different than all the NATO West Germany-based MERDC forces you saw back when V1 Team Yankee first came out.    So what is more iconic than the might of America, charging across the Desert?

An Introduction to By Fire and Sword

By Glenn Van Meter

I think that what draws many of us, as gamers, to new systems is often the “coolness” or “flashiness” factor of seeing the miniatures on the table. Oftentimes, this can draw us in, even if we don’t know anything about a particular period of historical gaming, or even have a background in the scale or style of game we’re looking at. This, to an extent, is what caught my eye initially with By Fire and Sword, Produced by Wargamer out of Poland.