Tournament Report Team Yankee at WOLFKRIEG 2021

March 14th, 2021

By Howard West

Hard Knox Games located in Elizabethtown, KY hosted a Team Yankee Tournament on March 14th, 2021 as part of WOLFKRIEG 2021. This year due to the state of Kentucky’s COVID-19 event size restrictions WOLFKRIEG 2021 was been broken into two consecutive weekends. Weekend #1 for Wolfkrieg 2021 took place, March 13th, 2021 was Flames of War and March 14th was Team Yankee. This report covers the Team Yankee for weekend #1.

Hard Knox Games has been hosting small gaming tournaments during COVID based on the state of Kentucky’s COVID-19 guidelines that are in place at the time of the event. Chad and the team at Hard Knox have a great store and is like walking into the vendor area at a gaming convention. This is the 12th year that WOLFKRIEG has taken place.

Tournament Info

In my previous article on  I mentioned how some tournament organizers (TO) will provide the missions for the tournament, who the Attacker or Defender might be and that the points may vary per round. For this tournament Chad(TO & Ringer) provided the entrants with the following information: 105 points, 3 rounds, NATO vs PACT all three rounds where possible, More Missions Book will be used, players will pick their stance for each round, after all players have chosen their stance the TO will roll one die to determine the mission for that round. Fourteen players played in this tournament and we had seven Red and seven Blue players for each round.

My List

For this tournament, my list consisted of a East German BMP formation as my core formation with a Soviet T-62M Allied formation. I have used this combination before and at 105 points you get a good mix of Infantry and Armor.  The list consists of two BMP-2 units, 1 BMP-1 unit, two Carnation Batteries, two T-62M units, a BMP-Recce, and a BRDM Recce, two Shilka units and a Gaskin Unit. I use the East Germans as my core formation to have better skill level to control my artillery.


Game #1 was vs Lawrence Jr and his US Bradley Armored Cav Troop our mission was DUST UP. This was my first time facing the Bradley Armored Cav Troop. I have played against the M-113 Armored Cav Troop multiple times before, and it is usually a tough nut to crack since the formation can hold units that you would normally have in support in the core formation making it hard to break.

I put my T-62M Formation commander, two T-62M Tank Companies, a BMP-2 Recce Company, a Carination Battery, and an East German BMP-1 company in reserve, Lawrence put his one M1A1 Abrams Tank platoon in reserve. I deployed my Soviet infantry company and Shilka platoon near the objectives, in my deployment sector.

I spearheaded with my BRDM-2 platoon and then deployed my East German and Soviet BMP-2 transports into the spearhead area and my East German Infantry Company and a Shilka Unit in the town. My plan was pretty simple I wanted to use my BMP-2 transports to move forward towards both objectives in Lawrence’s deployment area and have the East German infantry move thru and occupy the town and hopefully take one of the objectives before his Abrams arrives.

I ended with a 8-1 win, his Bradley’s wrecked many of my BMP-2s but I had way to many shots for his Scout teams to survive, and broke his army before the Abrams arrived.


Bradley Scout Teams advancing to contact as the PACT forces clear the woods and buildings on the Pact left flank.


Game #2 was vs Dominic and his Israeli Merkava Company and French Allied AMX-30 Company, our missions was BREAKTHROUGH. I have played against the Israeli’s before but not with Merkava-2’s, plus he also has the dreaded Pereh Anti-Tank Platoon in his army.

I put the same troops that I did in the first Game in reserve and put my Soviet BMP-2’s transports in ambush. Dominic placed one of his Merkava’s into reserve. I spearheaded my BRDM’s and my Soviet infantry as far as I could into the adjacent sector.

My plan was to get my Soviet infantry near the objectives, then try and dig them in, before Dominic’s reserve Merkava arrives. My East German Infantry Company and a Shilka unit deployed near the objective that was by the town. I was concerned that on the early turns he could put out a lot of anti tank shots onto my vehicles and hopefully I could reduce his shot volume quickly. The game ended in a 7-2 win for the PACT, my T-62M’s arrived just in time as Dominic was causing a lot of casualties to my on board forces and I was able to get flank and rear shots on some of his tanks to stop his advance.

Pact is waiting for the for the French and Israelis to begin their breakthrough.

Pact reinforcements arrived in time to stop the Israeli and French breakthrough.



Game #3 was vs Ed and his LEO-2 tank company. Our mission was FREE FOR All. West German LEO-2 Company provides a lot of punch in five tanks but is a very small force at 105 points, especially when you add in flight of Tornados.

I have played against West Germans many times and the games usually time out with a lot of burning vehicles on both sides. I spearheaded my BMP-2’s into the woods in the center of the battlefield and my BRDM-2’s into the woods on my left flank.

Then, I deployed my Soviet formation, minus the BMP-2 transports on my right flank. Everything else was deployed from the center to the left. The game ended with my forces in most of the buildings and woods in the West German deployment zone. We finished with a 2-2, Ed made three last stand saves as the TO called the game.


Pics from other games.

Soviet Tank Horde on the prowl, will the NATO player have enough ammo to stop them?

Soviet T-80’s and BMP-3’s vs Dutch Mech Infantry and West German Air Support.

Soviet T-62M’s vs US M-60’s and Bradley’s

Soviet Motor Riffle Troops vs Dutch, can the Soviets hold the objective?

Final Tournament Results:

1st Charlie Clay East Germans PACT 1ic—18 points
2nd Howard West East Germans/Soviet PACT 2ic (on SOS)—17 points
2nd Tom Burgess Soviet—17 points
2nd Carl Bellati Soviet—17 points (Best Painted)
5th Chris Fretts Dutch/U.S. NATO 1ic—14 points (Best Sport)
6th Ed Hall West German—11 points
6th Dominic Pousard Israeli/French NATO 2ic—11 points
8th Jim McKinney Soviet—10 points
9th Lawrence Pousard Sr Soviet—9 points (2 games)
10th Gordon Gregson U.S.—7 Points
11th Charles McKellar U.S.—5 Points (Best Table)
12th Lawrence Pousard Jr. U.S.—3 Points
13th Alan Gomez Israeli—2 Points (1 game)
14th Ringer Chad Underdonk Krasnovian—6 Points (2 games)
Warsaw Pact 89 Points —North Atlantic Treaty Organization 55


This was another good Team Yankee tournament hosted by Hard Knox Games. It was really nice having Red vs Blue for all three rounds. Hopefully I can make it back this year to another Hard Knox Games tournament or to WOLFKRIEG 2022. I had three good games against three nice opponents. Looking forward to using this list again, I will use the 120 point version of this in two weeks.


4 thoughts on “Tournament Report Team Yankee at WOLFKRIEG 2021”

  1. In reference to “Soviet Tank Horde on the prowl, will the NATO player have enough ammo to stop them?” The answer to the question was “I had plenty ammo but my dice said otherwise!!” The man had 58 tanks!!

    1. When I walked by the table taking pictures, I was surprised that he had that many tanks. What else did he have in his list?

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