Europe Asunder Waterloo – A new Henry Turner 6mm Kickstarter

By Tom Burgess,

Henry Turner continues to amaze with the volume of STL files he creates for 6mm wargamers.  He truly is the master of 6mm scale rank and file STL file creation.  His latest effort focuses on the armies that fought the Battle of Waterloo.  The Kickstarter for “Europe Asunder Waterloo” is open now and remains open until September 9th, 2023.

The figures that Henry Turner has created in 6mm are simply astonishing in the level of detail they provide.  I love that Henry creates these STL files in such a way that they print directly from the 3D printer build plate with minimal, and in most cases, no supports needed.  There are very few supports that need to be trimmed off of the final prints.

Below are some British files that I test printed.  They include Wellington and the Prince of Orange, British Line Infantry, British Dragoons, and British Foot Artillery.



For about $64US a wargamer with a 3D resin printer will be able to get virtually all the STL files needed to field all combatants from the Waterloo battle.  This collection will include the following files:

  • British Line & Light Infantry (1812-15) STLs
  • British Riflemen & Light Infantry Skirmisher (1808-15) STLs
  • British Foot Artillery Crew & Guns (1812-15) STLs
  • British Artillery Train & Riders (1812-15) STLs
  • Brtish HQ (1812-15) STLs
  • British Lifeguard Cavalry (1812-15) STLs
  • British Heavy Dragoons/Dragoon Guard (1812-15) STLs
  • British Light Dragoons (1815) STLs
  • Prussian Line Infantry (1813-15) STLs
  • Prussian Landwehr (1815) STLs
  • Prussian Foot Artillery Crew & Guns (1813-15) STLs
  • Prussian Artillery Train & Riders (1813-15) STLs
  • Prussian HQ (1813-15) STLs
  • Prussian Cuirassiers (1815) STLs
  • Prussian Dragoons (1812-15) STLs
  • Prussian Hussars (1808-15) STLs
  • French Line Infantry in Uncovered Shakos (1813-15) STLs
  • French Voltigeur Skirmisher (1815) STLs
  • French Foot Artillery Crew & Guns (1815) STLs
  • French Artillery Train & Riders (1815) STLs
  • French HQ (1815) STLs

For about $32 more you can get an “add-on” that provides STL files from previous sets which will round out the British, French, and Prussian armies with:

  • French Chasseurs-a-cheval (1806-15) STLs
  • French Mamelukes (1805-15) STLs
  • French Forge Wagon STL
  • Wagon Cargo STLs
  • French Pontoon Bridge STLs
  • British Highlanders in Kilts STLs
  • British Horse Artillery (1805-15) STLs
  • French Infantry in Covered Shakos (1813-15)

These are the French samples I printed.  You have to love the seated Napoleon figure with his boot resting on a drum. Also shown are a Foot Artillery battery, Hussars, and French Ligne with Elite Flank Companies.



As with most  Kickstarter projects, Henry had added in “stretch goal.”  A ton of them and most of them have already been met!  The already funded “stretch goals” from this Kickstarter at the time of this article’s publication are:

  • British Hat Pack – If funded, this goal would add Covered Shakos, the 2nd Dragoons Bearskin, a Mirliton-style Hussar fur hat, and a Fusilier hat to the Blender files.British Heavy Cavalry Jacket – A Heavy Cavalry Jacket with gapped fastenings, added to the cavalry poses in the Blender files.
  • Prussian Hat Pack – If funded, this goal would add Uncovered Shakos, and the 1808-1813 Cylindrical Artillery Shako.
  • Additional Officer & NCO Poses – If funded, French, British, and Prussian Officers and NCOs would be exported with additional poses for greater unit variety.
  • Square poses; Kneeling Ready, Standing Ready (2 poses) – STLs of French, British, and Prussian Line Infantry will be exported in the poses necessary to make square formations.
  • Prussian Jaegers –  A new unit for the Prussians; STLs of Jaegers, armed with Baker rifles, in the standard skirmisher poses.
  • French Line Lancers – STLs of 1815-appropriate French Line Lancers in the standard cavalry poses.
  • French Carabiniers – STLs of 1815-appropriate Carabiniers in the standard cavalry poses.
  • French Horse Artillery – STLs of 1815-appropriate French Horse Artillerymen.
  • Prussian Uhlans – STLs of Prussian Uhlans.
  • Hanoverian Infantry – Exported STLs of Hanoverian Infantry
  • Scots Greys – Exported STLs of Scots Greys cavalry
  • Nassau Line Infantry – Exported STLs of Nassau Infantry
  • Dutch-Belgian Carabiniers – Exported STLs of Dutch-Belgian Carabiniers
  • Dutch-Belgian Light Dragoons – Exported STLs of Dutch-Belgian Carabiniers Light Dragoons
  • Duch-Belgian Hussars – Exported STLs of Dutch-Belgian Hussars
  • Dutch-Belgian Line Infantry – Exported STLs of Dutch-Belgian Line Infantry
  • Dutch Jaegers – Exported STLs of Dutch-Belgian Jaegers
  • Dutch-Belgian Artillery – Exported STLs of Dutch-Belgian Jaegers Artillerymen
  • Dutch-Belgian General Staff – Exported STLs of Dutch-Belgian Command/HQ figures.
  • Brunswick Hussars – Exported STLs of Brunswick Hussars
  • Brunswick Line Infantry – Exported STLs of Brunswick Line Infantry
  • Brunswick Avant Garde – Exported STLs of Brunswick Avant Garde
  • Brunswick Artillery – Exported STLs of Brunswick Avant Garde
  • Grenadiers a Cheval in Cuirassier Coat – Exported STLs of French Grenadiers-a-Cheval in Cuirassier Coats

Stretch goals yet to have been met at the time of this article’s writing are:

  • New cavalry poses; sword at-side (of horse), Resting Trumpet Pose – Two new cavalry poses for the Blender files, rigged to all the relevant coats.
  • Highlanders (Trousers & Kilt re-export) – Re-exported Highlander STLs in both trousers and kilts with the new muskets.
  • Standing/Idle Poses; Idle Musicians added to standing strips – New Standing/Idle STLs for French, British and Prussian Infantry, with the Musicians being patched onto the current 4-strips.
  • French Conscripts in Greatcoats – Exported STLs of French Line Infantry in Greatcoats
  • French Guard Officers – Exported STLs of French Guard Officers for converting standard French Infantry into Guard variants
  • French 1808-style Grenadiers (Old Guard) – A new product consisting of remastered French Grenadiers in 1808-style dress.
  • French 1808-style Infantry (Line, Lights & Voltigeurs) – If funded, remastered French 1808 Infantry would be exported as STLs. These will be merged with the above Grenadier set to make a remastered French 1808 Infantry Set (a new and separate product).
  • French Guard Foot Artillery – Exported STLs of French Guard Foot Artillery
  • French Guard Horse Artillery – Exported STLs of French Guard Horse Artillery
  • Marine Imperial Guard – Exported STLs of French Marine Imperial Guardsmen
  • Prussian Uhlans in Hussar Uniform – Exported STLs of Prussian Uhlans wearing Hussar Uniforms
  • “Characterful” Marching Figures (Stealing a pig, waving, drinking, smoking) – Blender Assets for exporting custom “character” figures, including a soldier stealing a pig in his knapsack, waving, drinking, and smoking arms, as well as anything else that comes to mind as “quirky” options for converting interesting marching units!

These are the Prussian I printed. Blucher with his pipe in hand is just too awesome. He is shown alongside of Prussian Foot Artillery, Landwehr Infantry, and Prussian Dragoons.



These tiny 6mm figures truly scream to be used in a “Grand Tactical” Napoleonic Wargames rules set.  For this level of Napoleonic wargaming,  my favorite ruleset is Sam Mustafa’s “Blucher.”  This ruleset can be used with miniatures bases or cards that represent brigade-size units.  I think Henry’s 6mm figures are a good option to build your brigade unit bases for “Blucher.”  Below are an Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery unit card showing how ranks of Henry’s figures might fill out the cards.

Using figures of this scale, it is feasible that a dedicated wargamer could print, paint, and field the entire Order of Battle for Waterloo using the “Blucher” rules.  I just might be that dedicated wargamer.  If a wargame wanted to get the 3D printed figures even closer to the size of the soldier images on the “Blucher” unit cards, Henry’s 6mm figures print just fine at 3mm as shown in the fourth photo below.


In addition to scaling down to 3mm, Henry’s STL files can be “upscaled” to be a good match for Warlord Game’s “Epic” 13.5mm scale if a wargamer so wanted.

In addition to his current Kickstarter, Europe Asunder: Waterloo by Henry Turner — Kickstarter ,  Henry also sells his files on Wargaming 3D and on MyMiniFactory . Additionally, Henry has a Patreon where the highest level of supporters get monthly releases from Henry. If you are interested in small-scale wargaming, Henry’s works are something you really should look into.