US-SoCal MiniWars Event Callout

The HMGS-PSW chapter will be hosting their MiniWars game convention Oct 13 and 14 at Cal-State Fullerton.

Unfortunately, due to the unexpected death of longtime HMGS-PSW member Tim Keenon, the chapter is currently attempting to recover their web host accounts. Therefore their webpage is not active at this time.

This page on No Dice No Glory will act as the unofficial gateway until they are able to recover their files and web accounts.

Call for Game Submissions:

General Game Events:


General Convention Inquiries:

Tentative Events Include:

Maus Haus: FOW Tourney

(details upcoming)

Game Submissions

If you wish to host a game, please email one of the above coordinators (games or tourney) with the following information about your event.

  • Game Master Name
  • Game Master Phone and email
  • Name of Event: The name should lead with the year of the battle being depicted. e.g. 1914-The Battle of Jutland-The Run to the South
  • Number of Players
  • Rules, Rules Version and Scale of Miniatures: Name of the rules used, publisher and edition. Provide a link to their website or the rules if possible. We want to encourage the players to come prepared for the game. If the rules are Homebrew give a link to them for the players to download. Newcomers are often reluctant to commit to play a game for which they have never read the rules.
  • Space Required: We have an incredible array of tables and stage sections available. Let’s make use of them. Table depth of over 6′ is possible, but contact us as soon as possible because those impact the surrounding tables.
  • Day you wish to run event (Saturday or Sunday) – See Below
  • Age Limits: Check out the game descriptions at Historicon online for go ideas of how to word these
  • What players should bring
  • Description: 3-4 sentences minimum that describes your setup, the sides, and the objectives. Please see what people post at Historicon, Cold Wars or Fall In for inspiration

Date(s) and Time(s)

Doors Open for the Public: 9 a.m. both days. Convention closes at TBD on Saturday. On Sunday, all games must end by 8 p.m. Cleanout must be final by 9 p.m.

Troy is a long time gamer, and the author of the medieval fantasy series. He’s also the dude who strives to keep the typos under control on No Dice No Glory. 


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