Spain Calls for Aid!

By Tom “Cap’n Chairborne” Mullane

As we enter week two of the Global Campaign for Blood and Plunder and Oak and Iron, things are tightening up for the many major powers participating. For those who have been checking things out from the sidelines, there is no better time than now to join the fight.

the full update on global events can be found in this on Blood and Pigment’s site.

And a full accounting of the rules can be found .

Bottom line, we want as many battle reports as possible submitted, that means an email, and some pictures! Send them along to:

As the commander of Spanish Forces, I have been disappointed to see so few taking up the flag hiding in a shed like these poor sods.

We can do better Ladies and Gents. Which is why I come to you with Spain’s secret objectives….(bribery)

I have been busily building some treasure chest objective markers.

And I will be giving these away for some lucky submitters of Spanish battle Reports. I will be searching dispatches for pictures with certain things in them….

There are four secret missions:

  1. “Farewell and Adieu to you fair Spanish Ladies”
  2. “Fortune favors the Lanceros”
  3. “A Bark worse than it’s bite”
  4. “Brother vs. Brother and Friend vs. Friend”

Anyone submitting a mission that fullfills the secret objective hinted by the above accomplishment titles above will be getting a pair of custom objectives from me in the mail.

This is a first come first served situation, so get your reports in ASAP. I will announce any unclaimed a week after this is posted.

Happy Gaming!

Thomas “Chairborne” Mullane has been a writer and podcaster for No Dice No Glory since its inception. He teaches High School History in NY and Lives in Danbury, CT. He is a player of Flames of War, Bolt Action, Dungeons and Dragons, and Blood and Plunder. Tune in to “Tales of the Sail” if you want to hear what he sounds like, and please say hi during the next HMGS convention.