Team Yankee Masters Preview

By Tom Gall

The 2023-2024 US competitive season as tracked by Battlerankings has ended for Team Yankee and as such it’s that time of the year for the top players to gather and duke it out to determine who is the best of the best.  A very big thank you to Battlefront for sponsoring this tournament!

As you might recall Battlerankings encourages tournament organizes to turn in the results from Flames of War and Team Yankee tournaments. Your standing in the tournament gives you a certain number of points (more is better). Your top 4 scores for the year are tallied up to determine your overall ranking as compared to all the others that had results turned in. It’s a US/Canada thing and is an added layer of competition.

This year’s Team Yankee Masters is June 8-9th located at 10890 Nesbitt Ave S, Minneapolis, MN which as it turns out isn’t a game store but rather a space used for soccer coaches and referee education. For the Minneapolis / St Paul Twin cities types it was our COVID refuge when game stores were not allowing tournaments and we still wanted to play. It’s a great location and you’re definitely very welcome to attend!

Side Tournament

Besides Team Yankee Masters there is a FOW MidWar side tournament. It’s 100 points and encourages you to build a hero into your list. Definitely a great time if you’re able to make it. Best part is you get to play side by side with all of the Team Yankee action.

Team Yankee Masters Rules

One of the challenging parts of a Masters tournament is the extended rules which player must contend with. This year is no different, Patrick Barkuloo has designed the following extra list building rules:

The tournament is an escalation/ de-escalation format. The first and sixth rounds are 55 points, the second and and fifth rounds 70 points, and the third and fourth rounds 80 points. The normal list build rules are in use to create three lists with one list at each point level.

Special Rules:

  • A maximum of one formation may be used. You must use the same formation for all three point levels, but the units within it and the support units may change at each point level.
  • At the 55 point level, NO strike aircraft and NO helicopters are allowed in your force.
  • At the 70 point limit, your force must contain at least one helicopter unit with at least four helicopter teams in the unit armed with a Guided weapon, and NO strike aircraft.
  • At the 80 point limit, your force must have at least one helicopter unit armed with a Guided weapon (this unit may have any number of teams in it) AND one strike aircraft unit with at least four strike aircraft.
  • Battle Plans: Each player may use each “battle plan” as often as they like, there is no restriction.

This article is just a preview, I’ll have a later article about the tournament as well as share copies of all the various lists.

Stay tuned!