A Day of Piracy at the Calvert Marine Museum – Saturday, September 17th
By Cap’n Tom “Chairborne”
After a successful Glenn, Tyler, and I all wanted to put together another one. Some research and phone calls by Glenn yielded some unexpectedly exciting results. The Calvert Marine Museum was interested in letting us run Demos for the public as well as allowing us to use their space for a one-of-a-kind gaming event. A plan was hatched…
was interested in letting us use their space. Talk like a Pirate Day was just around the corner, and our shenanigans seem right up their alley. We will be running games all day, poking around the museum, and getting to show off the game we love to an entirely new audience.

For gamers with families, this is a great opportunity to participate in an event in a kid-friendly space with plenty to do. For history buffs, it is a chance to mix gaming with a unique experience and venue.
Details of our adventure can be found below:
Where: The Calvert Marine Museum
14200 Solomons Island Road
Solomons, MD 20688
14200 Solomons Island Road
Solomons, MD 20688

When: Saturday, September 17th @10am (dice rolling at 10:30)
100 points, 75-minute rounds, three games played total out of four scheduled rounds. Don’t worry, mates! You’ll get a good break to eat and tour the Museum.
100 points, 75-minute rounds, three games played total out of four scheduled rounds. Don’t worry, mates! You’ll get a good break to eat and tour the Museum.
Bonus strike points to anyone wearing any pirate-themed clothing, hats, sashes, etc.
*This is talk like a pirate day weekend, the museum is excited to have all of us dressed for success.

Email lists to TalesoftheSail@gmail.com
Feel free to use the force builder provided by Firelock and email us a PDF
How much is it to enter? $40
How do I pay? please send the money via PayPal to Thomas Mullane (one of the Tales of the Sail podcasters) –> TMullane1983@gmail.com
He will send confirmation to your provided email once you have finished registration.
Register here:
Your admission fee will buy you entry to the tournament, entry to the museum, and Lunch. All money goes to the Museum or Food or Prize support. This is a not-for-profit enterprise!
Refunds on Tournament admission are available up until Friday, September 2nd. After that we will make every effort to accommodate you, but need to confirm the numbers with the museum.

Feel free to reach out with any questions via our email: or message us on Facebook/through this event.
For those staying overnight, hotel information can be found here for hotels and businesses in the area (most are running around 100 dollars per night):
Thomas Chairborne Mullane has been a writer and podcaster for No Dice No Glory since its inception. He teaches High School History in NY and Lives in Danbury, CT. He is a player of Flames of War, Bolt Action, Dungeons and Dragons, and Blood and Plunder. Tune in to Tales of the Sail if you want to hear what he sounds like, and please say hi during the next HMGS convention.