Bagration German Command Card Review
By Tom Burgess
Battlefront has released its Bagration German book. I was interested and how, or even if, the Battlefront team could make a unique new book when so much of the standard German units seem already accounted for. Though I was already quite content with the new book as is, its normally the Command Cards that take a new force book to the next level. That is the case here as I think these new Bagration German Command Cards take an already excellent book product and knocked it out of the park with these new command cards.
The Bagration German Command Card pack included 54 cards.
Lucky, Pioneer Platoon, Panzer Pioneer Platoon, Goliath Remote Control Bomb, Armored Flak Half-Tracks, Machine-Gun Nests, PAKFront, Puma Scot Company, Half-Track Scout Company, and Tiger Ace (with six individual cards) we have seen before so we wont waste any time going over these sixteen cards here. The other 38 Command Cards I like to break down into the following categories; New Kit, New Formations, Formation Upgrade/Downgrade Cards, and Heroes. So lets take a deeper look at these by category.
New Kit
The new kit cards include Kubelwagen Scout Cars and Schwimmwagen Scout Cars. These weigh in at 2 and 3 points per unit. They are like the normal unarmored transport command cards expect these have a 4+ save and as you might expect, the Schwimmwagens are amphibious and treat unpassable water as difficult terrain.
Then we have 21cm and 30cm Nebelwerfer command cards. These upgrade your normal 15cm Nebelwerfer units at the cost of one point per team to 72 range, AT2, FP3+ for the 21cms and 56 range, AT3, FP2+ for the 30cms. Why the same cost for both? Well, the 30cm Nebelwerfers can only shoot three bombardments in a game. This seems a more elegant way to get at the old reload tokens these rockets have in V3 which players always seemed to forget to flip over.
Next, we have the Looted Tanks. These include a single T-34(76mm) at 3 points, T-34(85mm) at 4 points, and SU-85 at 5 points. These all are straightforward Confident 4+, Trained 4+, and Aggressive 3+. They are independent teams who cannot Charge, take an Objective, and are ignored for VPs. The nice thing is that it use to be only Grenadiers could get them bit now any Bagration German formation can take them.
Perhaps even more cool is the new T-34 Security Tank Platoon. This lets you take a unit of three (8 points) or four (11 points) T-34/76mm tanks. They are rated Confident 4+, Trained 4+(Tactics 5+), and Aggressive 3+. These can Charge, take Objectives, and will give up a VP when destroyed.
For the Gebirgsjagers we have the 7.5cm Mountain Artillery that for -1 point per gun changes a 10.5cm Artillery Battery to 7.5cm guns 72 range, Artillery, AT2, FP4+ (Direct Fire 20, ROF 2/1 AT6, FP3+) and the 10.5cm Mountain Artillery that for -1 point per gun removes the Gun Shield rule. Quite a barraging considering artillery starts dug in already and seldom moves. Note you actually dont have to take a Gebirgsjager formation to use these downgrades on your support artillery units.
Then, there is my favorite command card in the whole deck. Im still trying to decide its a good value, but I love the theme and novelty of it so much I might just use it anyway. This is the Stuka Zu Fuss command card that comes in at 5 points, This card lets a German Panzer Pioneer Platoon with SdKfz-251 Half-Tracks fire a 36 range salvo with AT3, FP2+ one in the game. So cool and just cant wait to use it.
New Formations
Aside from the already noted repeat Scout Car Formation Command Cards, Bagration Germans give the 653rd Heavy Tank-Hunter Battalion. Can you say Elefants? This card lets you build a formation with an HQ of one Elfant at 15 points, then two to three Elefant Platoons with two to four Tank-Hunters each, and up to one SdKfz 7/1 Quad AA Platoon.
Formation Upgrade/Downgrade Command Cards
These are where you always make your money in the command cards packs. The ability to tweak formations attributes is what really adds the character to the basic formations from the unit. In Bagration German Command Cards we have:
Kampgroup Kastner (1 point for a Grenadier formation) May opt to night attack when the defender has minefields.
4th Panzer Division Kampfgrouppe (0 points for a Panther or PzKw-IV formation) Swap out an Armored Panzergrenadier Unit for a Grenadier or Panzergrenadier.
16th Panzer Division Rebuilt (-1 pint per unit in a Tank or Panzergrenadier Company) Tactics drops to a 4+.
19th Panzer Division No Respite (-1 point per unit Panther, PzKw-IV, or Panzergrenadier Company) Last Stand goes to a 5+.
29th SS Grenadier Division 1st Estonians (-1 point per unit in a Grenadier Company) Become Fearless 3+ Trained 4+(Tactics 3+), Aggressive 3+
SS Panthers (+1 point per Panther in a Panther Co) Become Fearless 3+.
SS PzKw-IV (+1 point per two or part of two PzKw-IVs in a PzKw-IV Co) Become Fearless 3+(Remount 2+).
SS StuGs (+1 point per Stug in an Assault Gun Battery or Platoon) Become Fearless 3+(Counterattack 4+, Remount 2+).
SS Panzergrenadiers (+1 point for all infantry units in an Armoured Panzergrenadier, Panzergrenadier, or Recon Co) Become Fearless 3+.
SS Heavy Weapons (+1 point for all heavy weapons and gun units in an Armoured Panzergrenadier, Panzergrenadier, or Recon Co) Become Fearless 3+.
SS SP Heavy Weapons (+1 point for each Tank in an Armoured Panzergrenadier, Panzergrenadier, or Recon Co) Become Fearless 3+ (SP Counterattack 5+).
SS SP Support (+1 point for OP or AA Platoon) Become Fearless 3+ (SP Counterattack 5+).
SS SP Support (+2 points per unit of 8.8cm Heavy AA, 2cm Light AA, 10.5cm Artillery, and 15cm Nebelwerfer) Become Fearless 3+.
SS SP Artillery (+2 points per unit of Wespe or Hummel) 8 Become Fearless 3+ (Counterattack 5+ and remount 2+).
SS Tank-Hunters (+2 points per unit of Marder or JgPz-IV) 8 Become Fearless 3+ (Counterattack 5+ and remount 2+)
KG Von Sauken Reserve Grenadier (-2 points per unit in a Grenadier Company) Confident 4+(Counterattack 3+), Green 5+(Tactics 4+), Aggressive 3+.
KG Von Sauken Sperrverband (0 points Panzergrenadier Platoon) Always starts on table in addition to the normal 60% when you have reserves.
Jager Company (1pt for a Grenadier Company) Terrain Dash 10.
Gebirgsjager Company (1pt for a Grenadier Company) Skill test to cross cliffs.
Bagration Germans Command Cards eight heroes that you can use to bolster your formation. These include:
Dr. Franz Bake (2 points, Panther Tank Co) Panzer Doctor gives a Tactics 2+ to the Formation Commander and all teams with 8 and line of sight to the commander.
Josef Schreiber (2 pts, Storm Grenadier Platoon) – Unit leader hits on 2+ and unit counterattacks on a 3+.
Dietrich Von Saucken (4 points, Warrior) A unit leader with line of sight and 8 of the Formation commander pass Tactics on a 2+. Each Turn may re-roll one failed reserve die.
Ludwig Windgriuber (4 points, Grenadier Platoon) Unit Leader is always armed with Panzerfaust Limited 1 (in addition to any unit Panzerafust taken). Unit leader hits on 2+ and unit counterattacks on a 3+.
Friederich Karl Nokel (3 points, Panther Tank Company) Formation Commander has halted ROF of 3.
Wilhelm Benoit (2 points, PzKw-IV or Panther Company) Re-roll one failed reserve die each turn. If the re-roll is successful, a reserve unit with Tank Teams may be brought in.
Otto Carius (8 points Tiger Platoon) – Unit leader re-rolls all 8.8cm misses. Unit counterattacks on a 2+. Other unit leaders within 6 and line of sight of this unit leader can re-roll Last Stand rolls.
Albert Kerscher (5 points, Tiger Platoon) – Unit leader may re-roll all 8.8cm misses. Can be taken in the same platoon with Otto Carius. If so, Carius is the unit leader but Kerscher still gets re-rolls of misses.

I am really looking forward to using these new command cards. Some of them are a great value. I am leaning towards running a Grenadier formation with the Von Saucken Reserve Grenadier Card and Ludwig Windgruber backed up by a Tiger platoon with three tanks and Carius and Kerchser. I think it is safe to say with all the SS Command Cards in this set that we will not be seeing a separate Bagration SS Book. These command cards will greatly expand your gaming options for Late War East Front German forces.
Still no Pz II Ausf L formation for LW , even though they are a support option in FE .
Yep. But when playing historical scenarios easy to work around it.
As BF make a kit for it , just seems an odd decision .
It is possible to use the Bagration German Book for your formation and then use Fortress Europe: German Forces Book for your support if one is deadest on having the Luchs in a list.
Just finished book on 20th Waffen SS Gren Estonia. Learned their initial AT guns were a mix of captured Russian 7.62 (like in Afrika Korps 90th Light) and PaK97/38. Guessing we see neither in this book. Dutch SS also used PaK97/38. More models I can’t use in V4; other than that, looks interesting.
The PaK40 stats could likely be used for your PaK36(r)s. I did this even in V3 for my KG Kerutt FJ force that historically had the PaK36(r)s but only PaK40s in the list.
According to Phil@BF the PaK97/38 , is the same as a PaK38 for V4 , in V3 they were different .
Yes. I believe AT wise the PaK38 and 97/38 were very similar, save that the later also could bombard. Maybe we’ll see them added when we get Volksgrenadiers? I believe we did not have them even in V3 until that point.
Tom you are thinking about the 7.5cm PaK50 or IG37 , the PaK97/38 was in Eastern Front .
Great article. Really in-depth and thorough.
You say you want to run a Company with Windgruber and Otto and friend in support tigers. You are only allowed to have one warrior in your force(command card rules). The only exception is Otto and his friend that can be taken together.
Please Kkep those articles coming, I know lots of folks that like me awaits them with great anticipation.
Ah yes missed that. Too bad for me. Guess I’d drop Windgruber then.
I thought for sure they would have Remer.
He was in Berlin commanding the Wachbataillon Großdeutschland .