Blood and Plunder at Historicon 2023!
As the summer gets hotter, and June has given way to July, one of the East Coast’s premiere wargaming events is nearly upon us. Historicon! Hosted by HMGS is happening from Wednesday, July 19th through Sunday, July 23rd. A number of No Dice No Glory staff will be there playing games, running events, and buying way more minis than we could possibly paint in a lifetime.
Additionally, Glenn Van Meter and Tom Mullane will be running two tournaments for Blood and Plunder on Friday. Read on for more info!
If you want to get in on the action there are two ways to do it.
Option A – Sign up for the Event Via the Facebook events linked below
Option B – Email us at
Blood and Plunder Land Battles
First, run by GM Tom “Chairborne” Mullane, is the land battles part of the day. All current PDFs and books are valid, please come with printed copies of your list (2 total)
Blood & Plunder Land Battles
Friday 21 Jul 2023: 9am-1:30pm.
Three 75-minute rounds.
Forces may be chosen from any released book. Loaner forces are available with advance coordination. Please email to sign up and include a copy of your list for verification (preferably from the free Force Builder). Tournament packets containing more details will be distributed via these emails.
GM: Tom Mullane
Blood and Plunder Sea Battles

Blood & Plunder Sea Battles
Friday 21 Jul 2023: 3pm-9pm
Three 2-hour rounds.
Forces may be chosen from any released book and must include boats and/or ships. Loaner forces are available with advance coordination. Please email to sign up and include a copy of your list for verification (preferably from the free Force Builder). Tournament packets containing more details will be distributed via these emails.
GM: Glenn Van Meter
The Iron Man Competition is also back, and there will be firelock games being run on most days. Check the PEL (Preliminary Events Listing) for more details on what is on offer tournament-wise this time around.
On Saturday, Rufus and First Mate Kai are running the Blood and Valor Tournament
Blood & Valor
10am – 4pm
200pts. Three 90-minute rounds.
Forces must come from the original Blood & Valor Book, Expansion
Book and End of Empires. Please submit lists to GM in advance.
Round 1: Conquest.
Round 2: Attrition (End of Empires).
Round 3: Commander (End of Empires).
GM: Rufus and Kai Devane (
The Rules for the Iron Man can be found below….this time, you won’t need to play in every tournament, you can just pick a favorite, and do one of the demos for the new Blood and Steel over at the Firelock booth!
Official Rules:
To qualify a player must play in any of
the three tournaments and play in one of the Blood & Steel demos
and you can enter to win.
Prizes will be awarded for: Most Games Played, Top 4 Game Scores, Best
email mitch for details!
GM: Mitch Reed For more details on the Ironman (only):
We hope to see you rolling some dice in a few weeks!