Bolt Action: Updating a v2 Reinforced platoon to the new v3 Germans

By Dennis ‘Matt Varnish’ Campbell

Now that Bolt Action is upon us, and more pertinent to me, the new Armies of Germany book, lets see how to update my old v2 army to the new hotness.    When I was collecting for v2, I had one or two of different units, knowing I couldn’t really use more under the Reinforced platoon structure.   While a Rifle Platoon stays pretty much the same with a few added support weapons, you get other vehicles and support weapons and guns in separate platoons now, which means I need more stuff!

In v2 I had 1x Mortar team, 1x Anti-tank gun, 1x 7.5 cm Infantry gun, an 88 and one Panzerbuchse Anti-Tank Rifle. I also had exactly 3 HQ guys (one officer, two adjutant’s) and a Sniper team. With no MMG team I needed a second Mortar in order to field a support platoon.

Scott Roach had a spare DAK one that I was able to snag from him. I used one of my spare HQ guys as the Support Platoon Officer.  I had built my infantry squads with a mix of weapons in case I wanted to run Early War style all-rifles or later -war with some SMGs. I needed to pilfer these SMG extra’s to make more adj’s and even used my old Mortar observer into a Forward Artillery Officer.

Yes that’s a german ‘Mortaring for Dummies book, ’42 edition

Luckily with vehicles, I had an 8-Rad that I could use as a command vehicle, then a Czech 38t, Pzr III late (longer gun) and a Pzr IV.   The Pzr IV I had magnetized the mantlet so I could run as a late Ausf G or the earlier models with the 7.5cm howitzer.

This assortment was fine in v2 where the 8-Rad filled my 0-1 Armoured Car slot and I could pick a light, medium or pseudo-medium tank.   So I need some more, I’ve opted for a pair of Pzr II’s, one of my favorite tanks (we have one less than 2kms from where I am typing this, at the Canadian War Museum)  This way I’ll be able to run a trio of the light tanks for Early War style or 2 mediums later.  Scott Roach has 3d printed for me a bonus vehicle:

SIG 33 Self Propelled gun, and its in the new book!   It’s basic, 7+ armour, Heavy Howitzer, Open-topped, no MMG.   At least it can move and shoot compared to my other guns…

Speaking of guns, I have two heavy howitzers now (only one if I use the SIG-33 as the gun is removable) to go with the 7.5cm Infantry gun I have). I have found the heavy howitzer amazing over open sights, but in heavy terrain, the high minimum range is very limiting.   I have a pair of 10.5s on the painting deck.

Lastly I am building the support weapons.  I have ordered 2x MMG teams, and while those MG-34s are en-route, I have two light mortars and another two anti tank rifles on the go.

2nd Medium Mortar


Light Mortar


Anti Tank Rifle

All together, two Light Mortars, three anti tank rifles, the 2nd Medium Mortar. With the MMGs on order this will be one fat support platoon!

Now that Panzerfausts are triple the points (they ought to be 10 points, 5 was too low but 15 is too high in my opinion) I had some infantry with panzerfausts laying around. I will swap the arms out and add SMGs. With the new infantry options in Armies of Germany,

I will need a ‘hit squad’ I can chuck into a Hanomag for Outflanking duties. Additionally the rest of my spare figures will likely flesh out the hit squad, or act as dismounts for my motorcycle Kradschutzen or FeldGendarmerei if I feel I need a reserve-boosting unit if I am running more armour.

Now that I think about it, adding four SMG guys to an Officer loses me an Order dice BUT includes these guys when I activate the officer, meaning I can do more Snap-To if I don’t need to also Snap-To a small ‘hit squad’  To this end I’ve converted/painted two plastic officers and matching sets of SMG guys out of my odds and ends:

New Officer with four SMG guys


Second Officer with four more SMG guys

I am aiming to enter in the big Bolt Action event we have locally in May, and am planning (work permitting) to attend Historicon and enter a Bolt Action tournament there if its still running.  Which means I need to paint, and PLAY MORE GAMES so that I don’t wuss out like last year’s event.. I felt I had zero practice and would get wrecked.  I walked over to the event to check it out and say hi, and I just can’t miss it this year.

To recap, I need to acquire:  2x MMG teams (on the way with the order of Armies of Germany Book), 2x Pzr IIs, and then paint the 10.5 cm howitzers I have in a box.

Next time I’ll go through the three lists I am debating taking. One is a Kampfgruppe (armoured platoon w panzer IIs), another is a gunline list, and the third is jack of all trades.