Flexibility at ASL Tournaments
By David Garvin
I can’t believe he spent all that time painting us like thisWhen I went to my first gaming tournament, it was a local Flames of War tournament. About a dozen or so of us showed up and it was grand fun. We played three rounds in a day and I recall not winning a single game, yet having a blast. My force was composed of a Germany grenadier company. It was essentially custom built and I knew how to use it, in spite of not winning (the games were close, as I recall).
I later went to the Canadian Nationals in Ottawa. For this tournament I had an armored infantry company from the US 2nd Armored Division. It was late war and I did much better. There were two days of play and I got in 6 matches.
We had a great crowd and there was quite a bit of competition that really got me to hone my skills. The next year I did even better; it was early war and I had a German Panzer Company, based around Panzer 38 (t) E tanks.