The Square – An Enemy at the Gates City Fight AAR

by Tom Burgess

My good friend, Battle Buddy Ed, and I recently set up a City Fight game from the new Enemy at the Gates book. Ed brought his Soviets and I played Germans in “The Square” mission. The City Fight missions are played on small 3’ by 2’ boards so we decided to experiment with this new mission with 50 point forces. We also decided to keep this as an all infantry fight and agreed to take no tanks.

My Germans were based on a Grenadier Formation with an HQ, two midsize Grenadier platoons, an HMG attached to one of the Grenadier platoons, a full Assault Pioneer platoon, a four-tube 81mm mortar platoon, two 150mm infantry guns and a sniper.

“The Factory” AAR

“The Factory”

By James Copland

Today, Soviet hordes swept into V4 in my man cave. Pulling together opponents and rubble terrain, my friends Ian and Challice played a game with lists from the new sourcebooks Enemy at the Gate and Iron Cross. The commanders had never seen the books before the game, so were given 20 minutes to put a force together. Both choose to run infantry formations, and both choose to run a single formation.

The table before deployment.

They played a new mission from the Iron Cross book.,The Factory. It is played on a smaller table, 2’x3′ and with a mixed deployment zone means, just like in Stalingrad, you could find yourself on the other side of a door of your enemies. Another interesting aspect of this mission is all terrain other than the building is rubble.

This means moving infantry is fast, and assaults are required to get anything done.

The Soviets won the dice roll to choose a side to attack from, as well as the first of the smaller rooms in the center. The win condition of the game is not objective based unless you count clearing the center building an objective. The Soviets chose the bottom left corner, leaving the Germans with the top right. After reading the rubble rules and knowing that bulletproof cover was plentiful, the Soviets chose to commit a Hero Infantry formation, with Strelkovy support, (we wanted to test the 4+ save mechanic.) in addition to the small (13-stand strong) Hero Infantry.

FOW Midwar Tournament at Black Moon Games

By Jeff Mayo (tournament organizer)

Flames of War
Blasted Landscape II
Version 4 Mid War Tournament

The scorched desert sand cracked under the heavy treads of the Panzers, as they maneuvered into position against the approaching British columns. British infantry, supported by Grant tanks, Honey Stuarts and the new British tank, the Churchill, marched towards the Afrika Korps. Soon, the heat of the day would be upon them all, and the air would be filled with sounds of battle. A hard and bitter fight was ahead for both the Axis & Allied commanders in this Blasted Landscape.

Street Fighting

By NDNG_Dane and Mitch Reed

Today, our resident Historian Dane takes a look at Street Fighting on the Eastern Front of WWII, and Mitch ties the real-life tactics into the new Flames of War (FOW) Eastern Front books.

During the summer of 1942, the German 4th Panzer Army and the 6th Army were given the task of capturing Stalingrad. These veteran soldiers were to learn a whole new level of urban fighting. The initial German offensive and invasion of Stalingrad started with 270,000 German military personnel, 500 tanks, 3,000 artillery pieces and 1,600 aircraft. The Soviet defenders included 187,000 military personnel, 400 tanks, 2,200 artillery pieces and 300 aircraft.

NDNG Iron Man competition

No Dice No Glory Iron Man Series: Fall-In 2018
held 9 -10 November, Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, 2300 Lincoln Highway East (Route 30) Lancaster, PA 17602

They say war is hell, and sometimes gaming can be tough too. We all know the feeling of exhaustion after a full day of playing in a tournament; what would you feel like after two days of competitive play? Those willing to play in back to back events and test their skills in both Team Yankee and Flames of War deserve recognition, and that is the title of “Iron Man”.

Plastic Soldier Company Sexton SP 25pdr Review

by Tom Burgess

Models provided by the

I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to build and review a box of the Plastic Soldier Company’s 15mm Sextons.  I have an all plastic Irish Guards Tank Battalion but had no fire support to go with this force. So this project would be a perfect fit.

This would be the third set of 15mm armoured vehicle models made by the that I have built.

Before these, I had built Soviet T-70s and German PzKw-IVHs. Both sets were very good and I was very excited to get started on these.

Enemy at the Gate Command Card Preview

After a look over the new Version 4 book Soviet book, Enemy at the Gates, I could not imagine anything better for them, good infantry, good tanks and good special rules. They seemed to have it all.

Over all I was pleased with the release of Russians into V4 MW. How could it get any better Then I opened up the Command Cards and I saw this:

Iron Cross Command Cards Preview

by NDNG_Dane

Let’s take a look at the new Command Cards for the Eastern Front German players.  There are 50 cards in the new Iron Cross command cards deck.  The cards range from soft-skin transports to Warriors and almost everything in-between.

Though I am not normally a command card player, I do plan on picking up this pack. These new Mid War command cards allow you to spend points to buy special rules, special formations, special leaders and special weapons.

There are even two Brandenberger SpecOps cards that allow you to move objectives and squelch your opponents’ artillery radio traffic to remove ranged-in markers.  Though I won’t go through all 50 cards, I would like to share a few with you.

Iron Cross – The Tank Lists

By Tom “Chairborne” Mullane

has released their long-anticipated Eastern Front books detailing the forces of the Soviet Union and expanding the option for the German players from the previously released Afrika Korps.

German players have been chomping at the bit to get their hands on some new lists and forces.  Command cards and items like the 90th light infantry division have been a nice way to tide things over and add some options, but the new Iron Cross book for Flames of War Version 4 gives you a lot more choices and tactical flexibility.

The paint scheme of the armor on the eastern front is not the only difference in the new Iron Cross book. We finally see the return of some old favorites in the German arsenal return in this book.