Battlefront Product Review: My Game Is In (City) Ruins

By Mitch Reed

Recently sent me some of their brand-new and I got around to finishing them just in time to make sure that they land on your holiday wish list. I usually do not collect too much terrain in 15mm however after recently getting a mat that looks like a torn-up battlefield, I decided to take this project on. Past buildings from Battlefront were usually one to three-story affairs made of resin and came pre-painted, these plastic kits are huge and very well done with five floors to expand your table upwards.

Exciting New Soviet Team Yankee List Ideas

By Tom Gall

Christmas comes early for Soviet Team Yankee players in the form of the book with its impressive array of new units and new formation options. In this article, I’m going to share with you what I’m thinking about in terms of list building ideas, how I’m planning to supercharge my Soviet Team Yankee armies to dominate the battlefield.

No matter if you are a new or experienced Team Yankee player, you’re probably looking to do your best to win some games. With the new book, Battlefront is giving you additional tools towards that goal. I’m going to come at this from a few different angles. One is what if I was an entirely new player, what would I recommend you buy to put together a fun and competitive force?  As an experienced player, how will I modify my existing lists?  Last what older lists might I refresh and bring out again?

Soviet WWIII Book: How to Build and Play a New Soviet Force

In my previous , I discussed how excited I was for this book to come out for and now I want to share with you some of the lists and new toys I want to run in the future. Along with these new lists, I also want to explore how my playing style may change with this new book and which of my older lists will need to be adjusted with the release of the new book.

Season of the Soviets: Team Yankee Soviets Reviewed

Not too long ago we came to you with a lot of information about the book from Well, the Soviets are still in the spotlight but now we are looking at their WWIII forces for Team Yankee and this book is one I am very excited about. The Soviets get some great upgrades much as we have seen with the British and the USA and as a Soviet player, I now have some great lists to combat these upgraded NATO forces.

URSS Heavy Assault group for Soviet Bagration book

By Paolo Paglianti

The Bagration Russian book allows the player to choose very different tactics and formations. You can play a strong defense army, sitting on the objectives and valiantly waiting for the enemy to come out of cover and taste some Motherland lead; or you can assault opponents with lots of AT14 guns and cheap but effective artillery.

As for any new book release, Battlefront has a for players who want to start a new Russian Late army: we’ve received one of these boxes, and we can’t wait to see what there is inside and to see what we can do with all this steel from the Motherland.

FOW D-Day British Missions – Part 2 – Counterattack

By Tom “Chairborne” Mullane

This is Part 2 of my playthrough of the mini-campaign in the back of the British D-Day Release.

My trusty opponent Shane competed in the “Sieze and Hold” mission last time, and for round two, we are reversing our roles.

I will be taking the Germans and a grenadier company, and Shane will be playing a Cromwell recce company.

The British are counterattacking to try and reach the Paratroopers who landed and held points the night before. let’s see how they fare.