Playing with the cats – Flames of War Bulge Germans on the tabletop

By Tom Gall

With the release of the Battle of the Bulge German forces by Battlefront, the German player is granted a luxurious set of choices for new units to play with for version 4 of Flames of War. This article is about putting together a Volksgrenadier formation with the addition of some of the fun thematic late war German super weapons and playing it against Americans on the tabletop. What works well? What doesn’t?

The Return of the King – The Big Cats of Bulge: German

By Richard Steer

Flames of War began its Late-War Journey in June 2019 with the publication of Fortress Europe, bringing V4 into the 1944-45 era. Subsequent releases have seen Late-War develop with books covering the Normandy and Bagration campaigns, and most recently the Ardennes.

Throughout the last three years, however, there has been something missing. You can argue about their historical significance. You can make jokes about them breaking down, running out of fuel, and being unable to cross bridges. But one thing is certain: in the Tiger II, Jagdtiger, and Jagdpanther, Bulge: German contains some of the most anticipated additions to V4.

Do they live up to expectations? Let’s take a closer look at how these vehicles have been represented in the game.

“The Germans Strike Back” Introducing the German Bulge Book and V3 vs V4 Comparison

By Howard West

No Dice No Glory has received advance copies of the next force book for the V4 Flames of War(FOW) Bulge German Book from Battlefront Miniatures.

I was asked to do a comparison of the Flames of War V3 Ardennes Offensive vs the new V4 Bulge German Book. and at the same time introduce the new Bulge German Book to our Flames of War followers on NO Dice No Glory.

This will be the first of several articles that will be done by the NoDiceNoGlory Team. The next article will be about “The Big Cats”

A Rock and a Hard Place: Making Foxhole Markers for FOW

By Richard Steer

Tokens play an important role in Flames of War by marking the status of your units. The tokens in the Battlefront Gaming Sets are nice, but they do detract from the visual appeal of the game, particularly after the lengths we go to painting our miniatures in historical colors and creating realistic terrain for them to fight over.

The FOW token sets include four Foxholes markers, with the intention being that one marker is used per dug in unit. At times it is beneficial to have foxhole markers for each team, particularly when teams consolidate during the Assault step, so I am making myself a bunch of them.

Death or Glory: Reconfiguring the FOW Crusader Squadron Boxed Set

By Richard Steer

The Flames of War army boxes are a great value. They are big boxes packed full of plastic sprues and are the ideal way to either start a new army or reinforce an existing one, at a significant price discount. The new British Crusader Armoured Squadron boxed set for North Africa is no exception. Containing 21 sprues and retailing for US$110, it compares very well to the usual price for a normal unit box.

While the Crusader Armoured Squadron box contains a lot of plastic for your money and a wide variety of models, a closer look at its contents reveals that it is an awkward combination of units. The default army list that is provided with the box is a legal force totaling 93 points, but game-wise it is not a great list.

Mixing Ace Campaigns with Flames of War Tournaments

by Tom Gall

Over the past few years, Battlefront has released several Ace campaign packs. These cover Bloody Omaha, Race for Minsk, and Battle of the Bulge. Each campaign pack retails for approximately $20 and includes a set of playing card sized decks which gives you all you need to run a ladder campaign with missions, rewards, side missions, and a collection of Ace Ability cards.

Recently at D6 Games in Rochester Minnesota, we hosted a Flames of War Late War tournament built around the Battle of the Bulge Aces campaign. This article is going to cover how it worked and served to make the tournament one that will be remembered and talked about for a long time.

For each round of the tournament (there were 3 rounds) we made use of the episodes of the campaign. This set the tone as well as picked the mission and who was attacking. The first episode in the Bulge Aces campaign has the Axis on the attack with Breakthrough as the mission. Further each episode sets forth a set of rewards depending on the outcome. For round one, both players receive a Tier 1 reward.

Team Yankee Preview: Czechoslovakians in the New WWIII Warsaw Pact Book – Quantity with Skills

By Howard West

This is the fourth article from the NoDiceNoGlory team concerning the new WWIII Team Yankee Warsaw Pact book.

The link for the first article which was a high-level overview of the new WWIII Team Yankee Warsaw Pact book is below.

The link for the 2nd article which was an overview of the Polish Forces in the new WWIII Team Yankee Warsaw Pact book is below.

The link for the 3rd article which was an overview of the East German Forces in the new WWIII Team Yankee Warsaw Pact book is below.

Big Changes in Berlin: East Germany in the Warsaw Pact

By Ian Birdwell

Well, it’s that time of year again to ponder what could have conceivably happened if the Soviet Union had tried to adequately equip the Warsaw Pact members with the latest military equipment instead of the dregs they received. You know, normal things.

The latest offering from Battlefront attempts to address that question in the Warsaw Pact supplement for Team Yankee V2, alongside the most important question for us in what Berlin would have done with this new bit of kit and how it changes the game for them in Team Yankee.

Preview: Team Yankee WWIII Warsaw Pact is Back

By Howard West

The next new army book for Team Yankee has made it to our bunker in West Virginia and it is called WWIII Warsaw Pact. This review is one of several that NoDiceNoGlory will be doing on this latest arrival Battlefront. This new book adds new units and upgrades to some of the existing Warsaw Pact formations. In addition, it upgrades your legacy formations to the same V2 standard we saw for the US, USSR, West Germany, and the British.