Team Yankee Tourney with Stripes

The recent wildfires in California actually impacted a December Team Yankee tournament hosted by Game Empire in Pasadena, CA. Shipments of the new Stripes book, and new models for the US faction were delayed due to being re-routed around the fires. But, the in-store demo copy gave players enough of a glimpse to see what they might be able to run. A few new units, or upgraded equipment did hit the tables in this tourney.

Kevin and Christian in round 1

There were three US faction players (and a fourth player, in his first tourney with a borrowed list and models that did not use any new units or upgrades). Three Warsaw Pact players ended up in a three-way tie for first. The best showing from a US player was Kevin Morris, tied for fourth with Igor Torgeson (British). I, of course, managed to win a free set of dice to help me improve my win/loss ratio in the next tournament and climb out of last place.