PC Gaming Corner: Good Things from Slitherine/Matrix

For those of you that have followed my posts over the years know that I am also a die hard PC gamer. One of the publishers that has always captured my attention (and Dollars) are the guys from Games who have been hard at work putting out some great games over the last few months that you should not miss.

I have been talking with Paolo Paglianti, who is the public relations manager for Slitherine/Matrix Games [editor: and is now contributing to NDNG in Table-Top wargaming, mainly on FOW and TY coverage].

He has given me a few preview codes for some of the hot new releases they have published in 2018, and some of these games were way to fun and addictive to stop playing and tell you about them. What I have always liked about this publisher is how the games they produce cover the gamut of war gaming, historical to fantasy, strategic to tactical and ancients to a future conflict, these guys have everything you can think of and I am sure they have something that will also suck you into your computer for a few hours.