Arguing Kings: Trying Conquest TLAoK

I might have a few orcs on dinosaurs to paint up!

By Troy Hill

I have to blame Jeremy Duvall for this one.

Jeremy is one of the main co-hosts on the Counter Charge Podcast for all things Kings of War (KOW). For the last several months, he’s been sharing how he hopes to build a KOW scene by playing what the locals are playing, and then interesting them in his game of choice (KOW). Jeremy’s local group is playing Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings (hereafter: Conquest).

So far, it sounds like Jeremy is playing  a lot MORE Conquest than the locals are playing KOW.

Since my attempts at getting a local KOW scene to take hold have been fruitless, I decided to heed Jeremy’s advice. But the locals here are playing ye olde world of hammery-wars, which doesn’t interest me. Been there, done that. I’d rather trade my money for models and games from smaller companies.