Podcast Episode 23: Live from the Crossroads Tabletop Tavern

Today Glenn (Triple G) and I come to you live from the Crossroads Tabletop Tavern in Manassas Virginia. We speak to John Hornberger who opened up what I consider the coolest place to dine, a restaurant that is focused on gaming. You can eat and play games from his  collection of over 1400 games of all types for all ages. You can also pick up some of the many games he has for sale in the store. If you want a really neat experience, for you and your fellow grogs or even your family, check this place out.

NDNG Podcast – Austin and Ed on FOW

In this Podcast, Austin and Ed discuss new looks and insight to help give a competitive edge. After the introduction, Austin talks the difference between taking red steel vs Soviet lend-lease tanks. Ed then talks about the supreme of Italians after the Eastern Front books.