Flames of War Italian Nationals 2025 is kicking off – and we have the first photos of FOW Special Objective 2025!

By Paolo Paglianti

Tomorrow marks the first FOW Nationals of the year! Near Milan, 40 players from all over Europe (plus an American and a Canadian!) will clash in battle to claim the title of 2025 Italian Nationals Champion.

The event is organized by the Milan FOW club, which is participating in full force—with four new players joining in (we’re growing!). They have also been a tremendous help in setting up the 20 tables for the Flames of War MID tournament.

Here you’ll find the list of the 40 players who have gathered in Milan for a weekend of pure wargaming passion and to spend time with friends who share the same enthusiasm. And, of course, for the food—which I hear isn’t too bad here in Italy!

Battlefront, as always, has supported us in an amazing way, and we want to give a special thanks to our friend Matthew Sulley from BF. Not only did he send us a big package full of prizes and the Nationals plaques, but also the fantastic 2025 Flames of War Objectives—highly coveted by every Flames of War player around the world. And he is also in Italy, playing in the tournament!

Since Milan is the first Nationals of the year, we got to unveil the design: a certain Illinois Ford and his father breaking through a Nazi checkpoint on a sidecar. Sounds familiar to me!

Here are the first photos of the 2025 Objective! Isn’t it amazing?

Tomorrow, every tournament player will receive one, along with a turn counter featuring a 6mm tank painted by yours truly, an 8″ measuring tool personalized with their name, and a tray for organizing troops embarked on transports.

By Sunday evening, we’ll find out how it all went, but I’m already thrilled to see so many friends from across the world gathered in my city—Cornaredo, Milan!