Konflikt 47 Germans Vs USA 2000 pts

By Chris Masucci

This past Friday I had the pleasure of getting in another game of , this time with a bit of a higher points limit and a non-standard mission to try out. Points were set at 2000 per player and the mission would be Feint. My Germans would take the role of attackers and Mike’s US army would be the defenders.

The Feint mission requires the defenders to hold out as long as possible with only half of their army’s units while the attackers come at them full force, the remaining defenders will remain in reserve. Being a false attack the attacker will gain victory points for each enemy unit destroyed and for each unit the defender is forced to deploy from their reserves, the defender will only gain points for destroying the attacker.

Being a game type using prepared positions, Mike placed several units of infantry, a bazooka team, an anti-tank tesla cannon and his command elements all in hidden deployment, this would make these units virtually immune to incoming fire until they decide to attack.

The German attackers decided to move into the area with the majority of their units but keeping a few pieces of armor in reserve. Advancing cautiously through the ruins, the attackers were immediately harassed by enemy fire as US power armor and the tesla cannon opened fire on the advancing German SS troopers.

Knowing now that the enemy was present, German units began to move into position and put fire on the US units that had revealed themselves. The first turn ended with some small arms fire being traded between infantry units but no more than a few casualties.

Turn 2 saw the battlefield heat up as German armor began to roll onto the field. A massive Char 2C tank, captured from the French years earlier and rushed into service on the new front line. This outdated but still heavily armed tank moved onto the field and began to pour fire into a nearby US infantry squad garrisoning the main road. The tank’s howitzer fired and found its target as multiple infantrymen were blown apart.

The US power armor was forced to fall back for harder cover as more attacking infantry moved into position to fire at them with machine guns and rifles. With the increasing ferocity of the German attack, the US reserves began to arrive with more basic infantry supporting the power armor and a trio of mechs eventually arriving to support the quickly collapsing center.

The fighting grew more fierce as we moved into turn 3 and 4 with some unfortunate US infantry becoming encircled by the Char tank and fast-advancing SS infantry. The US armored advance was proving effective as it cleared out attacking infantry in the center of the board, a US lee tank attempted to spar with both the Char2C and an advancing panther tank, only to be finally knocked out by infantry with panzerfausts.

The Char’s howitzer made a second lucky shot and silenced the tesla cannon, securing the left flank for the attackers. In the center however the US armor was clearing out all resistance, their infantry being pinned down at the back end of the board forced the mechs to take point and they successfully destroyed two SS squads while only suffering damage to the lightest mech. The German Panzerhund mech traded shots with the nearby grizzly but neither could piece each other’s armor and score a kill.


It was evident that the feint attack had been successful, with all of the American armor committed to the field and with some US assets destroyed, the Germans had successfully baited the US defenders and moved them away from the source of the main attack. The game ended with a German victory 14 to 8.

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