Tournament Report Team Yankee at Fabricators Forge

By Howard West

The located near Pittsburgh, PA hosted a Tournament on September 12th, 2021  The Fabricators Forge is a a hybrid gaming club / store that is funded by members and aspires to be the premium place to play all types of tabletop games in Western PA. They opened in 2021 and this was the first Team Yankee tournament that Dom and Josh hosted.

In October 2021 they will be hosting a Flames of War Tournament and a follow-up Team Yankee Tournament.

I Can Spam, and Now So Can You! (The Brave Romanians!)

By James Copland

Mid-War Romanians are coming, soon! (October maybe) I will frame this review/preview with this nugget of knowledge. Bring more MGs to all your list building. Did you add and MG Platoon? Ok, now add another one. I have friends who will smile and friends who will shudder at this statement, but Romanians are going to be a terror in MW Flames of War. So sit back, relax, as best you can while I show you how this force is a better elite army than Germany or Brits… a better spam force than the Soviets or Italians/Americans and superior to their fellow MW Axis Minors.

A Day at BarrageCon 2021

By Glenn Van Meter

This weekend I had the fortune of being able to attend BarrageCon in Havre De Grace, Maryland. It was hosted by the H.A.W.K.S. (Harford Area Weekly Krieg Spielers) gaming club on the 24th and 25th of September. I was only able to make it for Saturday the 25th. This was my first in-person convention in about 22 months and I was excited to get back out and see some old friends that I knew would be in attendance.

Flames of War Milan Tournament – back in action!

By Paolo Paglianti
Twenty players under the same wide room, throwing die and blaming luck, moving tin soldiers and plastic tanks. How long we missed this!  After two years of interruption, we began to live again our usual lives: as wargamers, it also means we are now back on business with our games! In Italy, they lifted the lockdown in Summer, but in Belpaese everything stops in August (Holiday time!) so we managed to create the first Flames of War tournament in mid-September.

Misadventures with Home-Printed Decals

By Richard Steer

I am in the process of for my Late-War British. The Kangaroos were created in August 1944 by converting 72 Priest self-propelled guns belonging to the 3rd Canadian Division into armored personnel carriers. The converted Priests retained the markings of their original units: the 12th, 13th, and 14th Field Regiments, Royal Canadian Artillery. The are focused on the armoured divisions, with nothing suitable for the artillery units of an infantry division. In order to provide markings for my Kangaroos, I decided to try printing my own using our home inkjet printer.

The specific decals that I wanted were the divisional insignia, the Arm of Service flash for the regiment, and the battery identification markings. I created the images I needed using PowerPoint, while the divisional insignia was downloaded from Wikipedia then scaled to the right size. The big issue was always going to be how to achieve the white lettering in the unit symbols with a printer does not use white ink.

An Afternoon Deep in Angola

By Mitch Reed

Recently I was invited to play Angola a great four player game from Multi-Man Publishing. The covers the conflict in Angola from July 1975 until the following April and features the four main factions that were involved in the conflict. I have always been interested in picking up with game due to the topic but after playing it I really came to see what a great game Angola is.

A Piratical End to the Summer of Plunder

By Glenn Van Meter

Photo above: French forces are ambushed by North American Braves. Photo courtesy of Adam Johnston.

Thursday September 10th marked the final day of the campaigning season for the 2021 Summer of Plunder Worldwide Campaign. Blood & Plunder and Oak & Iron players submitted reports of games they had fought during the campaign. 

Each report included their name, photographs and the faction they played. The reports were then compiled by faction. The faction with the highest number of reports established dominance of the high seas and won the campaign. After tallying the results from over 250 entries submitted by players all over the world, the winning faction is…

Bang for Buck: Bagration German Artillery Options

By Richard Steer

provides Late-War German forces in with a wealth of list building options, including a wide variety of artillery units. Following on from last month’s article , it makes sense to subject the other side the same scrutiny.

To recap, the analysis a model that simulates each dice roll in the scenario being tested to find an outcome, then repeats that simulation thousands of times in order to find the likelihood of each particular outcome occurring. The targets are dug in Careful infantry teams, with five teams under the Artillery Template, or nine teams under a Salvo Template. The other assumptions are that the Spotting Team is the Formation Commander, and a +1 penalty is added for Ranging In on terrain.