As the leaves turn, and the winds grow chilly, Historicon will soon be upon us. This coming November 11 through 14 many of us are coming together for the first time in a long time to get some gaming in. Glenn Van Meter, Tyler Stone, and Tom Mullane (the Tails of the Sail gentlemen) have quite a bit planned in terms of Firelock Games this time around. Tom will also be wearing a Spanish Conquistador outfit, because he lost a bet.
Signups are happening now on the Community Page for under events. So please sign up soon. We have available slots, and loaner armies, but those spots won’t wait forever. Check below for the specifics of each tournament. (Blood and Plunder, Oak and Iron, Blood and Valor). And remember, Firelock is providing a special prize to anyone brave enough to play in all three events.
First up for the weekend is Blood and Plunder!“No Social Distancing in Melee”
Friday, November 12th (9am to 2pm)
GMs: Glenn “Gentleman Farmer” Van Meter and Tom “Cap’n Chairborne” Mullane (
Because we expect a lot of new players have been busy painting new armies, we are going with a 100 point limit. Loaner armies are available, but please contact us GMs in advance if you need them.
Register at and send us GMs an email at (
100pt list; Swiss format. 24 players. Three rounds.
GM: Glenn VanMeter, Thomas Mullane
Sponsor: and Firelock Games.
A link to the facebook post for the event (where you can find updates as we get closer) can be found here: No Social Distancing in Melee
For those playing in all our events, there is some time in between for lunch and shopping.
Next up….on Friday evening, Blood and Valor! “If the Hun don’t get ya, the Spanish Flu will”
Friday, November 12th (5pm to 9pm)
GMs: Mitch Reed and Tyler Stone (
Join No Dice No Glory and many other players for the FIRST MAJOR TOURNAMENT of Blood and Valor at a Convention. Game designer Rufus Devane is making an appearance. Mitch Reed (who is obsessed with the great war) has many loaner armies…if you’re interested in playing but don’t have your figs ready, reach out and let these GMs know, they may be able to hook you up so you can jump in and play on Friday.
To Register for this Tournament, please do so with and also email us at ( to let us know you are coming.
The Points levels here are the standard starting suggestions from the book. 150 pts. Join us for some fast moving trench and open field action
5PM 8pm
150 pt list; Swiss format. 24 players. Three rounds.
New players welcome, loaners available but please contact GMs in advance.
GM: Mitch Reed and Tyler Stone (
Sponsor: and Firelock Games.
The Facebook Event where will post updates can be found here
And Finally, the capper…Oak and Iron, “Scurvy Ain’t Nothing”
Saturday, November 13th (10am – 2pm)
GMs: Mitch Reed and Tom “Cap’n Chairborne” Mullane
After a night of rum and recklessness, you will hopefully arrive rested and refreshed for the final chapter in our Ironman Saga, Oak and Iron.
50pt list; Swiss format. 24 players. Three rounds.
Again, all new players are welcome, but give us a heads up if you need ships. Mitch may need to build another wing onto his house to accommodate fleets from several nations he’s built up. We likely have you covered, but depending on interest, our loaner armies will likely get booked up quickly.
Please register for the event at and email us at the email address below
50pt list; Swiss format. 24 players. Three rounds.
New players welcome, loaners available but please contact GMs in advance.
GM: Mitch Reed, Tom Mullane (
Find us on facebook to also let us know you’re coming:
Finally, there is the Iron Man to discuss….
A true Iron Man…
Any Player who participates in ALL THREE EVENTS, will be eligible to receive something special as a token of their commitment of time and paint. And the player who scores the highest number of points OVERALL across ALL THREE games will receive something from Firelock (Mike Tunez assures us it is something cool.)
Historicon’s PELs are out (Preliminary Events Listings) So check them out and plan your gaming this November.
This is the first time in a long time we can all get together for one of these big HMGS conventions. I am excited to see everyone playing games, experiencing the hobby, and rolling some dice. We here at NDNG hope to be part of your hobby weekend, so come by and say hi, or even better get some models on the table with us and win some plunder or some honor. See you in November!
Thomas Chairborne Mullane has been a writer and podcaster for No Dice No Glory since its inception. He teaches High School History in NY and Lives in Danbury, CT. He is a player of Flames of War, Bolt Action, Dungeons and Dragons, and Blood and Plunder. Tune in to Tales of the Sail if you want to hear what he sounds like, and please say hi during the next HMGS convention.