Soviet Red Banner – Hero Motor Rifle – Tactical Suggestions

By Benny Christiansen

In the new Eastearn Front book for the Soviets, Red Banner, the Soviet players has many interesting choices.

When I was planning this article, I had to choose what to focus on. I have many thoughts about the new German book, Ghost Panzers and what I think it will do to the tournaments I attend. I don’t really find a concern when it comes to the Historic Scenarios or events, as I generally find the books to be fairly balanced towards each other.

However, in this situation, I have had a hard time recovering from the Ferdinand/Marder combination, that I think many will be fielding. Being an eternal optimist, I was certain that I could find something, that would balance the new meta that the German players will have with Ghost Panzers. Here I believe I have found something, that might make a big dent in the Ferdi/Marder combo. On top of that, it might be able to be of interest in tournaments, but I’m uncertain how much I would appreciate it in a historic setting.

The armor and gun on this impressive tank, along with the low point cost, has started many conversations on the social media as well as the forum. Will it be as big a game changer as some say, or are there options to the Soviets, that has not yet been discovered?


This article is meant to be inspirational for other players.

Strength: DP guns!

One of the most important things in real-world military might be the equipment. I’m no soldier myself, but based on movies (the chant “this is my rifle, this is my gun…” is running at the back of my head) I find myself to be pretty sure that in order to be a good soldier, you need to know the equipment you have. That’s also including the basics like bayonets, entrenching tools, and food rations.

In this case, the equipment that the Hero Moto Rifle Company (HRMC) have. At first, I thought it was a mistake, but I’m now I’m certain that it is as it is supposed to be. The weapons for the HMRC are “DP MG”. And in the description, it says that these guys have “more automatic weapons”.

This provides them with a range 16″/40cm ROF 2/2 AT 6 FP 6+ weapon. For me, the big surprise is that nothing is stated in the “notes” about “Pinned ROF 1” or similar. So for 7-10 points, you get quite a defensive platoon, that most infantry will have a hard time charging. As the HMGs are cheaper than snow in Finland, I’m sure a few of them might also be available and thus making the unit pretty good at defending.

Also, it is quite a weapon for attacking. Approximately 20 shots while they run towards you, might be scary for most infantry choices. As one of my friends is fond of saying “the winner of the game is the one who rolls the most dice”. If that is true, this choice has a good chance of making the primary combat choice for me.

The “upgrade” for this platoon can be either HMG or PTRDs. And let’s, in this case, just go with the PTRDs. When stationary, they have a decent amount of firepower, strong enough to repel any German halftrack assault. So lets assume you take 2 of them in your HRMC

Will hordes of infantry be the typical Soviet army of choice?


Strength: Assault

Speaking of the bayonet earlier, these guys have definitely sharpened their bayonets. A mere 2+ is what they need in order to hit someone in the assault. All of this for approximately 10 points, is a – YES Please! from me. This unit really has it all by now.

Weakness: Is Hit On 3+

The fact is, naturally, that they can be hit on 3+ making them an easy target for most of the German MGs. This might make them a juicy target, but just make sure you get them all when you start shooting at them, or it will be payback time in no time 🙂

Opportunity: Leonid

Leonids amazing ambush – Can it be done effectively?

Combine this unit and its HQ with this command card: Leonid Ivanovich Mochekov. It seems Leonid was a crazy bastard, who insisted on attacking from the rear. You take your HQ and this HRMP off the table, and roll one die every turn. If you roll 5+, these units will pop out of their ambush in the enemy Deployment Area or in No-Man’s Land. Imagine the face of your opponent when you reveal this card to him for the first time. If ever there was a reason to buy command cards, this is it.

Opportunity: Molotov Cocktails

Strictly speaking, you might not need these, as it is hardly needed to kill the Ferdinand. But it can be used as a bonus to force your opponent to keep a decent amount of firepower back in his neighborhood. If you have it and you assault the Ferdinand or other tanks, there are enough hits, that will likely land on it, so I feel confident in saying it will be a big threat for the opponent.


In any SWOT analysis, there will be threats. In this case, you have to be aware, that even though you pop out like an ambush, you are NOT dug in, and you cannot move or charge, but only shoot with moving ROF – and this is why this platoon is so adequate for this command card. It makes no difference for the majority of the platoon. But when you “arrive” you have to be aware, that the enemy will get one round of shooting with everything he/she has, to try and eliminate your company, that is hit on 3+.

So this means..

This is an interesting way to force your opponent to stay back with most of his force. In this specific tactical suggestion, I’m not sure if it will work or not, but it seems like a good plan in theory. Make sure to buy some extra units, so that once your HQ and HRMC potentially dies, your formation does not run off the table.

The minimum price of this potent attack is 12 points, but I would suggest you add a bit more. Around 17 points for this attack and then all you can hope is that it will not arrive too soon (keep that “Lucky” command card ready to reroll a 5+ roll in turn 1-2), while you pound away on his forces with your artillery.

I look forward to testing this myself ASAP. Also keep in mind, that the best way to win is to know your list. Make a “core choice” and then develop the list. I believe that Austin Coped are among those people, who believe that practically any list can win, if only you know it well enough.


1 thought on “Soviet Red Banner – Hero Motor Rifle – Tactical Suggestions”

  1. “One of the most important things in real-world military might be the equipment.”

    Training and military doctrine will beat anytime the “best equipment”, but yes, somehow, if your gear is very low quality, it makes things more… complicated.

    Always enjoy your articles. I will look into the hero motor rifle and the command cards. There are not available yet and probably won’t make it to the Christmas tree neither the Christmas budget (super weird release date).

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