Es ist Tigerzeit! German Tank Formations D-Day Book

It is indeed Tiger time. The D-Day book for the Germans is out and we look at the armoured formations you can run out of this new release for Late War. No other commander during WW2 made such an impact in a tank as Michael Wittmann.

As a true Panzer Ace, his Tiger took its fight to the allies and he fought until he was finally KIA in August of 1944. Stopping by his final resting place in 2007 in a small cemetery in France was a small highlight of a trip that took me from Arras to Vimy and everything in between.

Before we look at the Heavy Tank formation from the D-Day book, why don’t we start a little ‘lighter’. Let’s have a good look at the Panzer IV Tank Coy, this list will likely be very popular to German tank purists.

Here Comes the Cavalry – US Cavalry in The D-Day America Book

By Chad Underdonk,

Last winter when Battlefront announced the return to late-war in V4 my heart began to pound a little faster as I’ve always been a big fan of the M8 Greyhounds and Jeeps of the US Cavalry. I immediately examined the announced title page of the US D-Day book and was a little upset to learn that there was no Reconnaissance formation listed for the United States. And worse, upon examination, I realized that the Germans, British, and Russians all had a reconnaissance formation on their title pages. So with much trepidation, I’ve been awaiting word of what is going on with my beloved US Cavalry.

Black Powder – a Noob’s Experience

by Troy A. Hill

SciFi/Fantasy and WWII have been gateway games for many gamers, myself included.

The routine seems to be finding a fantasy or SciFi miniatures game. Then moving into historicals through WWII (or WWIII) games. That’s where the time-space vortex opens a rift in the gaming table and sucks a gamer down into the eye of the storm that is historicals.

I’m just one such example. Fantasy in the 28mm scale brought me into the hobby. Then I moved into WWII gaming in both 15mm and 28mm. Now I’m beginning my dive back into the trenches historical gaming scene that doesn’t include tanks nor airplanes. So many games, and so little experience. We’ve got ancients, dark ages, medieval, ACW, ECW, or that little general who conquered most of Europe…

Ev’rybody’s Heard About The Bird

By Matt MacKenzie

The new(ish) ‘Nam 1965-1972 book is out and consider me excited! It is my absolute honor to bring you Marines in Vietnam, I grew up just after the last troops were pulled out of there. I’ve seen all the movies, documentaries and now it’s time to (re)launch Vietnam in 15mm with a revamped rules set based on V4 for Flames of War. It’s my intention to present the options and lists you are able to put together from a time when Marines were taking the fight to the NVA in the jungle and streets of South East Asia.

You’re an errand boy. Sent by grocery clerks. To collect a bill. -Col. Walter E. Kurtz

Tanks for Coming! US Armoured Forces


Protection from who Tommy? Ze Shermans?

(Photo Above: This piece of history sits near Juno Beach, M4A4 Sherman with the Duplex Drive propellor add-on)

Right around the corner, we’ve got the two options for running armour in Late War. It’s been a while since the release of the Late War books for V3. In the new book for the American forces in Normandy BattleFront has delivered a collection of lists I think will get people excited about their models that have been collecting dust for a while.

Some chose to wait and see what V4 would bring in the way of options for Late War, book by book and the addition of cards has once again delivered some interesting choices for the US forces. You might have to wait some more to see some of the lists that are part of this era.

It’s all in the Cards – American Command Cards for Normandy

By Tom Burgess
The US forces are getting ready to hit the beach in D-Day American Forces in Normandy 1944. This in itself is a great expansion of the Flames of War Version 4 Late War universe, but the new US Normandy Command Cards truly take the US book options to the next level. I was amazed at the richness and depth that these Command Cards bring to the force offerings in the book. In my opinion, this is the best Command Card deck to date and I really hope this is the model we will see used across future Later War Command Card decks.
So let’s take a look at how the D-Day American Command Cards break down. There are a total of 40 Cards in the deck. I like to break these down into five categories; Generic, Effects, Unit/Equipment Upgrades, Heroes, and Division Cards.

Fortress Europe – Our Forces are numberless -Soviets!

By Benny Christiansen

Soviet players, rejoice! Even if the prospects of another Soviet book is a long time into the future, there is plenty of “good stuff” in the Fortress Europe to keep you busy painting and gluing and playing till then.

In this article, I will try to describe a few of the things I have found most interesting and most promising about the content of the Soviet part of Fortress Europe. It will not be a page-by-page walkthrough, but more like a tactical suggestion article. My aim is to let you get a feeling of the things that I have found most likely to be in my first LW battles.

Fortress Europe Germans

By Chris Jackson

The question on everyone’s lips on the interwebs these days, at least in the forums I frequent, is what’s coming for Late War? has given me a sneak peek at the new book Fortress Europe and I think they have done a good job with it.

A lot of thought was put into how to roll out the new era, and it seems to me a lot of the complaints we as a gaming community have made since V4 was released have been addressed. Now I’m not saying the new v4 is perfect, nor that I don’t have some issues with it, but I think, on the whole, BF has done a good job, particularly with the concept behind this book.

Fortress Europe is designed primarily to get existing FOW players into Late War with a minimum of muss and fuss. Almost every unit in the book (and for the Germans, EVERY unit in this book) is already produced. The units are simply repointed to Late War levels.

My focus for this article will be the German Forces in Fortress Europe.

Blood & Guts: US Forces in Fortress Europe LW V4

By Tom Burgess
Bottom line up front (BLUF)…the US lists in the Fortress Europe are exactly what Battlefront said they would be. They let a player use his existing Version 4 Mid-War US collection in Late-War Version 4… and not much beyond that. I had to go back and remind myself of that goal while writing this review because honestly as a US player from Version 3 days, I was a bit disappointed that US options in Fortress Europe were not going to let me run the forces I wanted.