Crescent Root 28mm Series 1 Hybrid Buildings Review

Guest post from Jorg- photos by the author

Originally posted to

I recently received a few of the new to fill out my town collection (All Crescent Root MDF). I ordered the buildings online and they arrived in their normal timely fashion (usually less than ten days). As with all Crescent Root buildings, you order each building ala carte. The new set just adds more buildings to their middle east building line. The big difference is that these are not all MDF, but a hybrid of other materials (I’m guessing laser cut plastic and resin, with paper and MDF as appropriate).

Why You Should Be Playing Blood and Plunder

By Mitch Reed

What is

It is a 28mm skirmish game that takes place during the early age of pirates which is called the . During this time, the British and French fought a war in the Caribbean against the Spanish. Both the French and British enlisted the aid of independent contractors to help them in the fight and became what we call pirates or buccaneers. While much of pirate lore is told in works of fiction; the truth behind this that this was an actual historical war that lasted for almost 130 years and was not contained in just the New World. While I butchered the above history, do not fear, both of the books for B&P come with an in-depth history that will set you straight.

BA 101: Beginning Bolt Action

By Troy A. Hill

Images from Warlord Games, or by the author

Well, I took the plunge recently into a new game system. Gamer-Crack got hold of me again.

I’ve been looking for a new WWII system for a while, and I was hesitant to go back to a 28mm system after abandoning Warhammer Fantasy (WHFB) during its dark-era.

But, I wanted to find a system that would come equipped with a fairly stable player base in my part of the world (Southern California). Outside of Flames of War (FOW), is the next most popular WWII miniatures game. And it has a tournament scene. Double Win for that.

Special Guests at my first Bolt Action Game

The first game I played, hosted by a few of our HMGS-PSW gents,  included a “objective” of Col. Klink and Sgt. Schultz. Seems those two had gotten lost near the Eastern Front. The Soviets were tasked with capturing or killing them. The German players had to recover them. That led to many poor attempts at German accents for quotable Hogan’s Heroes lines – I know NOTHink! – being tossed about like a live hand-grenade.