BA 101: Beginning Bolt Action

By Troy A. Hill

Images from Warlord Games, or by the author

Well, I took the plunge recently into a new game system. Gamer-Crack got hold of me again.

I’ve been looking for a new WWII system for a while, and I was hesitant to go back to a 28mm system after abandoning Warhammer Fantasy (WHFB) during its dark-era.

But, I wanted to find a system that would come equipped with a fairly stable player base in my part of the world (Southern California). Outside of Flames of War (FOW), is the next most popular WWII miniatures game. And it has a tournament scene. Double Win for that.

Special Guests at my first Bolt Action Game

The first game I played, hosted by a few of our HMGS-PSW gents,  included a “objective” of Col. Klink and Sgt. Schultz. Seems those two had gotten lost near the Eastern Front. The Soviets were tasked with capturing or killing them. The German players had to recover them. That led to many poor attempts at German accents for quotable Hogan’s Heroes lines – I know NOTHink! – being tossed about like a live hand-grenade.

No Dice No Glory Episode 3; Interview with Warlord Games, 2018 Spoiled

In this episode, Mitch and Sean speak with Jon Russel who is the US events coordinator for Warlord Games. We talk about what is in store for us for Bolt Action, Black Power, Konflikt ’47, Gates of Antares, Blood Red Skies Pike and Shotte, and Doctor Who. Jon spoils a new WWII game they are working on and talks with the guys about all things Warlord.

Great spoilers like Bolt Action for Korea and the Great War,  and a new game that covers WWII naval action in the Solomon Islands.