FOW Regionals in Los Angeles

By Players at the tourney: Johnny Vasquez, Justin Rodriguez, Hyato Tukakosi, Scott Miller and Tom Richards 

Photos by: Hyato Tukakosi and Troy Hill

Compiled by Troy Hill (Edited to include Justin R’s comments).

I recently organized the Pacific South-West regionals, a two-day, five-round FOW MW Tourney held at . No Dice No Glory and  sponsored the tourney (along with the Team Yankee tourney the day before).

Since the tournament occurred one week after BattleFront’s new books for the Eastern Front, Iron Cross and Enemy at the Gates hit the shelves, I allowed lists from the new books in the event.

Afterwards, I asked players to send in their thoughts to several questions about how the new forces affected the games they played. Below are their responses. The only editing I have done is for spelling and grammar, as well as organizing their comments by category.

Final Standings: Surprisingly, the top player fielded a force from Armoured Fist – a Death or Glory list. Another Brit list took fourth. Soviet lists were second, third, tenth and fourteenth. Germans bunched in the middle of the pack at fifth through eighth place, with one at eleventh. The fourth Soviet player, Ramses, is a younger new player in his first season of playing Flames of War. Give him some time to learn both the game and his army, and he’ll climb the ranks.

The British 1st Airborne Division – A Project Completed

My first article for WWPD was about the British Airborne.  And unfortunately thanks to the changing hosting rules of Photobucket.  My pictures there are lost for all time. But to be frank, there wasn’t much to see. It was a lot of blisters sitting atop a British Flag. Which my wife kept asking me if I was selling. The answer was always and still is, no. Especially now that this is all done.

Battlereport MW East Front

By Benny Christiansen

When you get your hands on not one, but two new books; and you have a chance to get a game squeezed in during the weekend, you have to make a priority list. What is the first thing you want to look at and test!?

For me, and my friends, it was the infantry. I am a big fan of infantry, and I love the way it can move and no longer just lie down and take punishment. They are, to me, a real asset now.

The German DAK book had left the Germans with a somewhat less than optimal infantry. I don’t play the Germans, but if the lists are less than optimal, fewer people will play them in tournaments, nor even in pick up games. So the new German book, Iron Cross, has been expected with great anticipation by players who field German Infantry. I find that the book has provided these players with a good source for good infantry choices.

Canadian Mid-War Nationals 2018

By Dennis Campbell AKA Matt Varnish

Photos by the Author and Chris Fretts

                                    Honest Ahmed (foreground) “Ah yes, come here GI Joe, have best price on allied 6pdr, trade-in on 37mm AT guns, very good, you get Masters shirt fast!”

Hey guys, This will mostly be a big picture dump from Canadian Nationals, and perhaps I will leave the analysis for others.  Firstly, shots of armies before they got deployed, then gaming pics, with Day 1 and Final standing snapshots by Chris Fretts.

Italian Bersaglieri Weapon Company – Tactical Suggestions

By Benny Christiansen

The Italian book introduced a new kind of formation for me. The Bergsalieri Weapons Company was a formation, that I found very interesting.

At first glance, I could not see myself fielding a whole formation, but having read a few pages, the potentially fun and efficient lists became apparent to me. I’m not the best of the best, but I win more games than I lose, and so these suggestions would be for players who are mediocre or similar

In general, I am a big fan of Italian infantry formations. I find it easy to keep them alive. They are hit on 4+ and capable of a 30 cm cross-country dash. Combined with the Follow Me, they are up and in the face of an enemy, within a turn. In missions where there is more than 40 cm between the lines, I recommend using the L6/40 or AB41 platoons to make sure the distance is only 40 cm.

The Boulevard – An Iron Cross City Fight AAR

by Tom Burgess

Our local Flames of War gaming group got in a second City Fight game. Last time we fought out “The Square” mission from So this time we turned out attention to Iron Cross with “The Boulevard” mission. “Battle Buddy” Ed would be playing his Soviets while Charles “6by9” would be rolling out the Germans. The point level was 55 points.

We played the game at Hard Knox Games when we could make great use of the in-store terrain collection. We used a 28mm city game mat as the base, which we thought looked much better than the plain black base we used last time. We the two halves of Miniature Building Authority (MBA) “Factory Building” to make the two main objective buildings.  To further subdivide these two buildings into four “rooms” we simply added some Battlefront Desert Walls.  We added some other MBA building halves to add to the boards generic “rubble” look. We also added some building around the perimeter edge of the board which were “off table” but helped with the visual back-drops.

NDNG presents Battle for the +5 Points FOW Charity Tournament

No Dice No Glory is proud to bring you the “Battle for the +5 Points”, a Charity Midwar Flames of War Tournament that will benefit the families of those who’ve fallen during their military service.

When: October 20th. 10 AM Registration. 10:30 Dice Roll.

Where: Your Hobby Place

4264 Plank Road

Fredericksburg, VA 22407

Cost: $10 Dollars, with all of going to TAPS.

Signup: Email  

European Team Championship 3 – After Action Report

It’s not all about Flames Of War…

By Benny Christiansen
and Helge MacIntyre

Flames Of War, as well as many other games, are being played and all nationalities can attend with a team. Many countries send the best of the best. In these articles, we follow the Danish Team, lead by Helge MacIntyre.

We managed to get a short interview with Helge and Chris Jackson, the captains from the US and DK teams at the ETC. In these articles, we give you a glimpse into the ETC 2018. The largest Team Tournament in the world.

FOW Midwar Tournament at Black Moon Games

By Jeff Mayo (tournament organizer)

Flames of War
Blasted Landscape II
Version 4 Mid War Tournament

The scorched desert sand cracked under the heavy treads of the Panzers, as they maneuvered into position against the approaching British columns. British infantry, supported by Grant tanks, Honey Stuarts and the new British tank, the Churchill, marched towards the Afrika Korps. Soon, the heat of the day would be upon them all, and the air would be filled with sounds of battle. A hard and bitter fight was ahead for both the Axis & Allied commanders in this Blasted Landscape.