FOW BATREP: Stalingrad Mega Game
By NDNG Dane
The Huntsville Historical Gamers gathered on December 8th (the day after the day that will live in infamy) to recreate the German attack on Stalingrad as part of Operation Fall Blau (Case Blue) and the Soviet Heroic Defense. The Mega game was the Culminating engagement of our Mid-War Eastern Front escalation league using the Flames of War V4 system.
Our three board Mega Game centered combat action on: Board #1: The Univermag Department Store and Barmaley Fountain, Board #2: The Red October – Tractor Works, Board #3: The Grain Elevator and Pavlovs House. Additionally, we added a few campaign specific rules such as sewer movement. Infantry teams were allowed to use sewer movement, based on a skill roll, to enter and navigate throughthe Stalingrad sewer network.