GC Minis: Running out for 4th Meal

By Dennis Jensen

My first painted piece of the new year is the Taco Bell by .  This is an MDF and resin 28mm kit. Before gluing on the roof and the window frames I sprayed the building and the frames with a textured spray paint.  I experimented to see if the textures spray paint would hide the joins.

In Memory of Walt Langhans

By Dennis “Wachtmeister” Jensen

On Sunday, January 19th, 2020 the gaming world unexpectedly lost Walt Langhans, an industry professional, and dear friend.  Along with his wife Michele, Walt was one of the owners of and it’s lead designer.

Walt’s designs were excellent and showed what MDF terrain could aspire to.  He was one of the first people to integrate non-MDF elements in his projects, to include drinking straws, acrylic elements and PVC pipes.

Walt also took steps to minimize visible lugs in his terrain, often using other pieces of MDF to cover visible lugs and seems.  He always had excellent customer service.

I remember one time I wrote him to say that a terrain piece I had ordered didn’t come with the plastic drinking straws but I was good to go because I pulled one out from my painted pipe set.  Walt almost shipped out an extra drinking straw because of the error.  I couldn’t accept this of course, but it just goes to show how great his customer service was.

Terrain Crate by Mantic – Cool 28mm Terrain for Blood and Plunder (and more)

By Tom Gall

If you enjoy playing Blood and Plunder or other skirmish games in 28mm, the one thing I love to have on the table is all sorts of brick-a-brack to give the scene plenty of flavor. I like my tables to look historic.

For this Blood and Plunder game on land, sure it looks like a little farmstead or a little inn, the fences fit it, the road is great, but I’m wanting a little more on the table top.

Where are the farm animals? How about a little wagon? Crates, barrels, the various things you’d expect to see in this kinda era and besides it can add in some extra places for impromptu cover that your heroes might need as they are doing their daring do.

Review: 15mm Epsilon Studios Terrain

For our MW Eastern Front escalation league, the Huntsville Historical Gamers were given the opportunity to review a nice addition to our table terrain.  This Iconic terrain piece is produced in 15mm by the Epsilon Studios from Barcelona, Spain

Introducing the Stalingrad – Barmaley Fountain. This historical fountain is based on a Russian fairy tale, Aybolit and Barmaley, written in 1925 by Korney Chukovsky.  In the poem, Doctor Aybolit cautions the Little children:  Do not go to Africa for there are large evil barmaley there that will bite you!  In the whimsical statue, by sculptor Romuald Lodko, the children are dancing around the barmaley.

Crescent Root 28mm Series 1 Hybrid Buildings Review

Guest post from Jorg- photos by the author

Originally posted to

I recently received a few of the new to fill out my town collection (All Crescent Root MDF). I ordered the buildings online and they arrived in their normal timely fashion (usually less than ten days). As with all Crescent Root buildings, you order each building ala carte. The new set just adds more buildings to their middle east building line. The big difference is that these are not all MDF, but a hybrid of other materials (I’m guessing laser cut plastic and resin, with paper and MDF as appropriate).