Team Yankee: Orccon Tourney Report

The Team Yankee tournament at Orccon in Los Angeles (Feb 17,18 2018) gathered 11 players (plus a ringer) for a five-round, two-day event. This event was sponsored by  who provided some awesome prize support for the winners.

Christian Sorenson took top player honors, while Igor Torgenson gathered accolades for his table design, and Alex H. wowed judges with his well-painted West German force. Below are some photos of the day, along with comments of the TO and players, as well as the top force lists.

The tourney was escalation based: Day One at 70 points. All missions were random (card draw) with all tables playing the same mission. Day Two was at 85 points. Players had to field the same type of force as Day One, but could redesign the force as they saw fit. Missions on day two were selected table by table using the More Missions Matrix.

Tournament News: Cold Wars 16-17 March 2018

Gamers!  This year at the run “Cold Wars” No Dice No Glory will be running two events with the folks from Battlefront.

The event takes place in Lancaster PA at the .

Friday 16 March: Team Yankee

  • 64 Points, 3 Rounds, battle plans will be used
  • Registration 10:00 AM Start 10:30 AM
  • All books and PDFs allowed
Saturday 17 March: Flames of War Mid War
  •  Flames of War Mid War to be run by Battlefront.
  •  115 Points per player. Battleplans will be used.
  •  Sign in will start at 10:00 AM, and dice will roll at 10:30 AM.

Reserve your spot by emailing me at

See you in Lancaster!