Free Nations: French
By NDNG_Dane and Christian Caron
History of the Free French in Germany by NDNG_Dane
Upon the defeat of Nazi Germany during World War II, the victorious Allies asserted their joint authority over Germany. The four major allied powers divided Germany into four occupation zones, creating what became collectively known as Allied-occupied Germany. This division was ratified at the Potsdam Conference (17 July – 2 August 1945).
The French zone of occupation, Troupes dOccupation en Allemagne, was in the south-west of Germany, closest to the French border. The zone was defined as the southwest Länder of Württemberg, Baden, the Pfalz, and the Saar. Subsequently, on August 10, 1949. The French military forces stationed in Germany were renamed as Forces Françaises en Allemagne (FFA) with a new Headquarters in Baden-Baden.