Free Nations: French

By NDNG_Dane and Christian Caron

History of the Free French in Germany by NDNG_Dane

Upon the defeat of Nazi Germany during World War II, the victorious Allies asserted their joint authority over Germany. The four major allied powers divided Germany into four occupation zones, creating what became collectively known as “Allied-occupied Germany”. This division was ratified at the Potsdam Conference (17 July – 2 August 1945).

The French zone of occupation, Troupes d’Occupation en Allemagne, was in the south-west of Germany, closest to the French border. The zone was defined as the southwest Länder of Württemberg, Baden, the Pfalz, and the Saar. Subsequently, on August 10, 1949. The French military forces stationed in Germany were renamed as Forces Françaises en Allemagne (FFA) with a new Headquarters in Baden-Baden.

The Free Nations book for Team Yankee Spoiled

While the membership NATO has grown since 1985 (15 members to 29 today) the mission and role of the alliance is just as relevant today as it was when first formed in 1949. So far has given us the forces of the major nations of the alliance and now it is time for the smaller nations to enter in the game. While these nation’s may have smaller and less well-equipped armies than the major players, their commitment to NATO should not be overlooked. They do play a major role supporting NATO’s mission.

PSC Plastic T-55 Kit review

By Dennis Campbell AKA Matt Varnish

Photos by the Author, except the above and left.

Plastic Soldier Company was kind enough to send us a 1/72 scale (20mm) T-55 kit for review. I decided to build it as an Iraqi T-55A, which my research indicates was of Czech manufacture originally. I almost wanted to make it a modified Type-69 (Chinese knock-off) but decided on the stock variant, which thankfully PSC has the parts on-sprue to make. This kit can make Soviet/Polish T-55, Soviet/Polish/Czech T-55A, and finally, the T-55AM which has the modernized armour on the turret and the better sensors on the main gun barrel (East German Team Yankee).

‘NAM Nationalist Forces – Part 4 Nationalist Support Units

by NDNG-Dane and Tom Burgess

Welcome back Comrades,

We have gone over the glorious and patriotic formations that we will use to vanquish the imperialist and their lackeys in South Vietnam. As strong as these formations are, they cannot succeed alone. They need support. Today’s briefing will explain what support units are available to our formations as they drive the dogs from the South.

We have gone over the glorious and patriotic formations that we will use to vanquish the imperialist and their lackeys in South Vietnam. As strong as these formations are, they cannot succeed alone. They need support. Today’s briefing will explain what support units are available to our formations as they drive the dogs from the South.

ARVN Forces in ‘Nam

By Charles Christy,

Yeah, come on all of you big strong men,
Uncle Sam needs your help again
He’s got himself in a terrible jam,
way down yonder in Vietnam
So put down your books and pick up some dice,
we’re gonna have a whole lotta fun.

An ARVN Cavalry Squadron prepares to move out!

So Battlefront is revisiting ‘Nam… and it looks like it will be a whole lot of new rules and ratings as the game joins Version 4 FOW with a new look, new ratings, and plenty of new options to play with.

This article will cover the ARVN. When we played Tropic Lightning/Tour of Duty, my army was the ARVN. They offered all the right gear at a great price and, in fact, were very innovative in how they met the PAVN threat.

Team Yankee: Orccon Tourney Report

The Team Yankee tournament at Orccon in Los Angeles (Feb 17,18 2018) gathered 11 players (plus a ringer) for a five-round, two-day event. This event was sponsored by  who provided some awesome prize support for the winners.

Christian Sorenson took top player honors, while Igor Torgenson gathered accolades for his table design, and Alex H. wowed judges with his well-painted West German force. Below are some photos of the day, along with comments of the TO and players, as well as the top force lists.

The tourney was escalation based: Day One at 70 points. All missions were random (card draw) with all tables playing the same mission. Day Two was at 85 points. Players had to field the same type of force as Day One, but could redesign the force as they saw fit. Missions on day two were selected table by table using the More Missions Matrix.

Great Oil War: Using ‘NAM to do 70’s Cold War

By Dennis Campbell AKA Matt Varnish

Photos by the Author

Rob and I did a test game with the new Nam rules for Team Yankee (Team Yankee Early War?) but instead of using traditional lists, we decided that since Team Yankee the novel is a what-if scenario, then why not do a what-if of the Oil Crisis of the 1970s!  In our case, we did a Canadian Tank force (Aussie Centurions) vs some T-55s and Motor Rifles out in a desert oil facility.    As usual, video bat-rep at the end.  Thanks to Rob for hosting as usual, this time on his awesome AFG board where I added my 15mm terrain to good effect:View from the industrial center

NAM Nationalist Forces – Part 3 PAVN Armored Forces

by Tom Burgess

(Photo credit AFP/AFP/Getty Images) Original Filename: HAN899-0424081122.jpg

Welcome back Comrades,


Now that we have covered our glorious foot soldiers who take the fight to the Capitalist Dogs, let us turn our attention to our Ironclad warriors. Many are unaware that we have such powerful legions of steel and that we know how to use them even in the jungles.