Fall In 2018 Event Coverage: Flames of War Tournament

By Dennis Campbell AKA Matt Varnish

Hey guys, what’s going on? Well, after a solid MONTH of painting nothing but Crusaders, I was ready for the Flames of War tournament portion of the No Dice No Glory Iron Man competition, at Fall In 2018 in Lancaster PA  (Apparently the locals make it rhyme with ‘kissed her’ not ‘Pastor’)    Anyways, while I would normally post my list and how I did, this time all I will say is, sometimes a good list in the wrong hands doesn’t perform well!   James Copeland and Chris Johnson helped me tweak out a Cavalry Crusader List, but I guess I’m not aggressive enough to field them correctly.     ‘Blah Blah Blah, let’s see pictures”  Alrighty!

I think this was Bill White’s US force.  I dig the captured Dingo objective 🙂

Total War in Russia – Battle for Kiev 38,000 pts LW

By Benny Christiansen

I have always had a weakness for the huge battles. I love seeing the terrain setup – with a “story in mind” so to speak – and then the first few turns in the game, making the first efforts to win the battle.

In this article, I will attempt to describe how I plan the 38,000 points battle and my thoughts in the process, as well as being a tiny battle rep with pictures and video. The primary intention here is to inspire others by sharing the experience. The setting is in LW, but I believe it can be done in any of the games in FOW.  I am well aware there are many other ways to do this, and I encourage anyone who finds large battles interesting, to try it. It is not the same as making a tournament. I think that an event like this is more interesting for the historically focused players than a tournament might be.

God Saves the Queen: my first FOW tournament – Part 2

After a good start, I was in the top half of the classment. Now we need to fight some serious fight! (If you want to read the first part, just click here!)

Second Game

For the second game I met Alberto De Luca, the owner of  (the Italian  Battlefront official importer) and host of the tournament. After one year of tournaments and events on Team Yankee, I consider Alberto and his wonderful, tireless wife close friends even outside the hobby. Needless to say, Alberto knows the game very well and is one of the top players in Italy. He had a Russian list with two tank Formations, a Grant one and a mixed one with dreadful KV-1, Valentines (“Tovarish Dimitri, they are the tanks I lent to you and now you use them against me!”) and a 10 T60 tanks strong platoon. Also, he had two mortar troops to barrage the enemy line while the tanks march full forward.

FOW Midwar Tournament at Black Moon Games

By Jeff Mayo (tournament organizer)

Flames of War
Blasted Landscape II
Version 4 Mid War Tournament

The scorched desert sand cracked under the heavy treads of the Panzers, as they maneuvered into position against the approaching British columns. British infantry, supported by Grant tanks, Honey Stuarts and the new British tank, the Churchill, marched towards the Afrika Korps. Soon, the heat of the day would be upon them all, and the air would be filled with sounds of battle. A hard and bitter fight was ahead for both the Axis & Allied commanders in this Blasted Landscape.

Iron Cross – The Tank Lists

By Tom “Chairborne” Mullane

has released their long-anticipated Eastern Front books detailing the forces of the Soviet Union and expanding the option for the German players from the previously released Afrika Korps.

German players have been chomping at the bit to get their hands on some new lists and forces.  Command cards and items like the 90th light infantry division have been a nice way to tide things over and add some options, but the new Iron Cross book for Flames of War Version 4 gives you a lot more choices and tactical flexibility.

The paint scheme of the armor on the eastern front is not the only difference in the new Iron Cross book. We finally see the return of some old favorites in the German arsenal return in this book.

German Infantry Formations in Iron Cross!

By Ed Sales

Today we are taking a look at the German Infantry Formations in Iron Cross, as makes the trip to the Eastern Front in Version 4.

Many people were disappointed with how Battlefront treated the Germans in Midwar. One of the most popular topics on the old Flames of War forums, before they were shut down, was the limited size of the DAK Rifle Platoon. Good news! If you like meaty infantry platoons and prefer to play Germans, then Iron Cross has you covered.

NDNG Podcast 10 – Armoured Fist

 “Chairborne” Tom Mullane,  “Iron” Tom Burgess, and Dennis “Matt Varnish” Campbell look deep into the new gaming goodness, the British Mid-War “Armoured Fist” Flames of War expansion book.

What news forces does the new book add to Mid-War? What new forces does this book have the guys excited about starting? And…how awesome is the Churchill tank?

FOW: Firestorm Tunisia – Terrain

By Scott Grasse

Editor’s Note: No Dice No Glory is pleased to host a global Flames of War V4 campaign designed by Scott Grasse. Follow along, post your results, check for the latest updates on

Pre Campaign Battles to get you started,

The terrain in Tunisia is rugged, unique, and had a major influence on the battles fought there.  Several new terrain features are introduced for Firestorm Tunisia.  Get ready to encounter vast Salt Beds otherwise known as tank death traps; Rocky Ground that makes it impossible to dig in; Heavy Scrub that is perfect for hiding an ambush; and entrenched, dry water-ways called Wadis that form a natural and formidable defense.  Heavy spring rains would then transform these difficult terrains to nearly impassable.

The Nam Book Finally Bring TY EW and V4 Together

Many people understand that the Team Yankee (TY) rules were essentially the Beta version of the Flames of War (FOW) V4 rules. The refinements of the TY rules into V4 were mostly positive.  The frustrations came for players who play both games. The rules were similar enough that players (including me) were often confused as we switched between the rulesets.  We are all used to playing multiple rule sets and keeping them straight. But, when the rules systems are this close to each other, trying to remember if you made a Dash or Tactical Move when breaking off from an assault is difficult to do.

Many were hoping that the new version of the TY rules was going to take TY to V2 and make it rules capable with FOW V4, but that is not going to happen just yet. Instead, TY Early War (‘NAM and Fate of a Nation) is going to start that integration. Early War (EW) for TY means the 1960’s and ’70s.  This makes sense as there was a huge difference between Generation 2 tanks and Generation 3 tanks.  If you are not familiar with the generations of tanks,