Fall In 2018 Event Coverage: Flames of War Tournament
By Dennis Campbell AKA Matt Varnish
Hey guys, what’s going on? Well, after a solid MONTH of painting nothing but Crusaders, I was ready for the Flames of War tournament portion of the No Dice No Glory Iron Man competition, at Fall In 2018 in Lancaster PA (Apparently the locals make it rhyme with ‘kissed her’ not ‘Pastor’) Anyways, while I would normally post my list and how I did, this time all I will say is, sometimes a good list in the wrong hands doesn’t perform well! James Copeland and Chris Johnson helped me tweak out a Cavalry Crusader List, but I guess I’m not aggressive enough to field them correctly. ‘Blah Blah Blah, let’s see pictures” Alrighty!
I think this was Bill White’s US force. I dig the captured Dingo objective 🙂