Beginning Black Powder Napoleonics

by Troy A. Hill

The Covid-19 pandemic is having both deleterious and beneficial effects on the Table Top Miniatures hobby. From missed conventions and abrupt halts, then sputtering starts to in-person gaming at Friendly Local Gaming Stores (FLGSs), the pandemic has really rocked the table-top gaming industry back on its heels.

But, I’m seeing a trend on many of the social media platforms: either new gamers are entering the hobby, or existing gamers are picking up new armies, or new games to try. One area is in the Napoleonic gaming world. I’ve seen several “New to the hobby, where do I begin?” posts just in the forums and pages with Warlord Games.

I’m in that same boat, and I’m happy to share my trials and tribulations, so any gamers jumping into the great unknown of Napoleonics can learn from my mistakes.

In this piece, I’ll share what I learned about researching, and the models I’ve begun with. I’ll also include images of the Warlord British Line Infantry models, and the process I went through assembling and painting them. You might want to read the image captions separately from the text of the main piece.

Black Powder: Battle of Chippawa BatRep

By Ron Winkler

As the Covid 19 quarantine continues, I decided it was time for another solo game using the rules. Continuing with the War of 1812, I selected the Battle of Chippawa as a game scenario. Again, I used my 15mm figures and Osprey’s excellent Niagara 1814 book as a reference for forces and battlefield maps.

Based on information in the book I rated regular units on both sides equal in quality in terms of Special qualities having First Fire, Elite 4+, and Reliable ratings. However, two of the regular US units 25th Infantry and a single Company of the 21st Infantry as small and tiny respectively because of their size which of course affected their Stamina rating. The other regulars on both sides were standard in size.  US and British artillery had equal qualities as did the Light Dragoons on both sides.  Both cavalry units were tiny in size.

Air Strike! Is the Blood Red Skies book a good entry point?

By Troy A. Hill

As I write this, the world, including the gaming world, has screeched to a halt. Covid-19 has crippled activities the world over. Gamers, like all others not in essential industries, are being told the shelter in place, and avoid social contact to stop the pandemic.

For gamers, from this tragic time, arises a golden opportunity. The pile of lead, resin and plastic shame in our hobby dens can finally be addressed. I’ve begun a small dent in my own pile of shame, finishing up some DAK and Italy campaign Germans for Bolt Action. I’ve also got most of my Demo-Kit for (BRS) in various shades of paint awaiting decals and final matte spray.

Fortunately, my copy of Air Strike! appeared in my post box before the order for social distancing came into effect. Now that I’ve had a chance to flip through it and give it a good read, I want to take the opportunity to address the idea of whether the book is a good entry point into the game for a new player.

Konflikt 47 Germans Vs USA 2000 pts

By Chris Masucci

This past Friday I had the pleasure of getting in another game of , this time with a bit of a higher points limit and a non-standard mission to try out. Points were set at 2000 per player and the mission would be Feint. My Germans would take the role of attackers and Mike’s US army would be the defenders.

Konflikt 47 Soviets vs Germans 1500 pts

By Chris Masucci

Being somewhat versed in WW2 wargaming years ago with Flames of War V2, my recent gaming time has been taken up more and more with Warlord Games’ 28mm take on WW2, Bolt Action. Scaling down the company level engagements of Flames down to a more platoon and infantry centric scene, Bolt Action has seemed to echo older editions of Warhammer 40k in the more recent years. Having an interest in the system already, late last year I finally decided to expand my collection into the realms of Bolt Action’s official sci-fi expansion

Black Seas: How to Paint your French ships

by Dennis ‘Matt Varnish’ Campbell

Hey everyone, what’s going on? As if I didn’t need a new project, but I’ve jumped right into Black Seas, by Warlord Games. This is their 2nd naval game, hot on the heels of Cruel Seas, Black Seas takes place in the Age of Sail, 1770-1830, including the Napoleonic Wars.   With my good buddy Scott ‘Obsidian23′ Roach picking the British, I would once again be painting blue and playing the French, much like my Black Powder army. I’ve decided to use Warlord Games’ suggested French Navy paint set, with a few tweaks of course.




Easy diagram showing the names of the masts and sails

Black Seas Reviewed

By Troy A. Hill

Brad at the Cast Dice podcast is fond of saying that we are in a gaming renaissance right now. Our choices for where to spend our hobby dollars and hobby time in the table-top gaming world have never been greater.

I’m crediting Warlord Games with a large selection of where I’m spending my hobby dollars and time now. They just won’t stop churning out the great games. Their latest, is no exception.

When I first began playing games from Warlord, I had no idea that within a two-year span I’d move from a single WWII game into:

Bolt Action, Konflict 47, Warlords of Erehwon, Hail Ceasar, SPQR, Black Powder, Cruel Seas and now their latest release, Black Seas, in such a short time. I’m so far behind on my painting, I’m not sure where to go next with all of these games.

Bolt Action: D-Day Overlord Book Review

By Troy A. Hill

Images from the book and/or the

The latest addition to Warlord Games series of campaign books for Bolt Action, Campaign D-Day: Overlord (D-Day), lives up to my expectations.

Almost every WWII game with an ongoing campaign or theatre of operations book is releasing something this year. The year of 2019 marks the 75th anniversary of the breaching of Hitler’s Fortress Europe. Warlord has a fitting combination of games for their soon to launch

That campaign is to combine results of their three flagship WWII games: Bolt Action, Cruel Seas, and Blood Red Skies.

While Warlord has not released details of that campaign yet, the book for D-Day is sure to figure into their plans for the campaign.

Black Powder: Napoleonics

By Dennis “Matt Varnish” Campbell

Napoleon.   Stop me if you’ve heard this one before:   “Man takes over country, then takes over Europe, and has grand ideas of marching to Moscow, but is then thwarted by logistics and winter”

Scott’s place on a Saturday, with some Sharpe’s Rifles on the tele

Napoleonics? Why? Well, for me with my gaming background starting mainly with sci-fi and fantasy (Games Workshop) I had never really looked at historicals, and certainly not Napoleonics. I knew who Napoleon was, and the era, mainly from watching Sharpe’s Rifles, a series where A: Sean Bean’s character doesn’t die, and B: Has Elizabeth Hurley in it (see header pic)

Johnny Red and Comics in Gaming

Recently my best friend Jon Russel from told me about a new addition to the game . Warlord’s WWII aerial combat game introduces well-known historical aces. In a shift, they are about to release a new ace in the line-up. The ace?

Johnny Red, a fictitious character from the comic series of the same name. Not only do I want to tell you about this new release and the Johnny Red Series I also want to talk to comics in wargaming.