Bat-rep Cruel Seas day at D6 Game, or how organized play for Cruel Seas is a lot of fun
By Tom Gall
Saturday February 23rd, seven of us gathered at D6 Games in Rochester to play some Cruel Seas. Seven became eight, then nine as people watching became interested in the action on the table top.
We used the to play some games. We didn’t call it a tournament, but I was looking to validate a number of the missions to continue to try and eek out any bugs. (Note this document is player generated and not official by Warlord games.)
The great attribute of this kind of play is, people can just show up with an agreed to point costed fleet for a day of Cruel Seas gaming.
Across the Flames, Star Wars Armada, X-Wing and other communities, it’s a pretty popular and fun style of play.
Here Chuck getting in his first game with his Germans is taking on Pat’s scratch built Finns.
The mat is by F.A.T. mats and you can purchase from the firelock games website. It’s 4’x6′ which in my opinion is a perfect size for Cruel Seas.