The War Has Just Begun – Blood and Plunder Campaign Update
By Glenn Van Meter and Tom Mullane
We are about a week and a half into the Blood & Plunder Global Community Campaign (,) and things are getting heated between the various nations involved. Players all over the world are submitting games theyve played to to help their favorite nation.
Last week we had an update from Guy over at Blood & Pigment via the Campaign Newsletter, and we found out that with 26 entries so far the French were in the lead with the Dutch and English tied just one game behind them. The Brethren of the Coast were lurking in 4th place. Spain was still getting her ships together and hanging out with the pack of minor nations such as the various Native Tribes, Portuguese, and the Swedes. Scotland had an especially strong showing, leading the rest of the minor powers (and Spain) by one game.

Weve managed to intercept some results updates and there have been some notable changes in the leaderboard after 15 more entries in just the last few days. Spain managed to get her treasure fleet underway to tie the French and English for 3rd place. The Dutch overtook the French but were relegated to second place as the Brethren of the Coast surged from their shoaled hideaways and took the lead by just one game. It’s still a tight race, and with more than two months to go in the campaign there is plenty of room for rivalries to grow between the various nationalities. Plus, news is always slow to travel in the age of sail, so news of more battles is almost certainly en route via the fastest messenger ships available.

A word from the Aristocracy
French Commander Tyler Stone

The Boyars Desk: Week I
Ahoy, privyet, and salutations my glorious Brethren of the Coast! Id like to congratulate First Mate Gerry of La Guarida La Pirata for capturing a Sloop from those pastery-packin Frenchies a few days ago! While their musketry proved difficult, First Mate Gerry sailed up and showed those Frenchies how swivels stack up against their wee croissant lickin fingers! There was but one survivor who still swore loyalty to his monarch, so they naturally fed him to the sharks!
(Pictured Below)
Id like to give another shoutout to Commodore Colleen Swader, who boldly attempted to capture a Spanish Treasure Flotilla! Unfortunately those rotten Spanish cowards did what they do best and fled combat, catching wind and sailing off! (Pictured Below)
We need more commanders as bold as Mrs. Swader though, and will be keeping an eye out to see if she catches up with those filthy Spanish dogs!
Starting this week, we will be giving out prizes for those who achieve certain feats while campaigning against the major powers! Ill be giving ye the titles of these so-called Accolades, but it will be up to ye intuitive Buccaneers to determine how best to unlock them! For those who have a Weenie Roast, a set of ship accessories may be in store! I will reach out via the olde book of Faces personally to let ye know if ye Acquire the Accolade! We arent in this just to win, we are in this to prove our tactical, practical brilliance over these silver spoon-sipping fools! Look to the next newsletter for more piratical updates!
-The Boyar of the Brethren
PS- Ill be looking for those who are sinking French Ships, and tallying them up to brag about, so capture as many French vessels as ye can!
Brethren Commander Dan Carlson

Dom dia para você
Gostaria de aproveitar esta oportunidade para apresentar nossos objetivos para esta campanha. Vários problemas me foram trazidos desde que recebi essa tarefa por seu senhor, Pedro II, que viva.
A primeira é que Espanha, apesar das ordens papais, ainda se encontra em Colónia do Sacramento. Isso é uma ferida. Estou dando provisões para apoiar a construção de fortes nesta área. Fortes de qualquer tipo, pedra ou madeira.
A próxima área de atenção são nossas águas costeiras. Precisamos proteger o comércio. Para isso encomendei ao Comandante uma Corveta que comanda uma frota de Carvalho e Ferro Portugueses, utilizando regras que fizeram para homenagear Portugal.
Espero que esta mensagem seja bem lida, pois estou sem prática, e espero a vossa fidelidade a Portugal.
Dom João Inocêncio de Oliveira Horta
Viscount de Barbacena
The same letter using my google translate skills:
Sunday for you I would like to take this opportunity to present our goals for this campaign. Several problems have been brought to me since I received this task by your master, Pedro II, may you live. The first is that Spain, despite papal orders, is still in Colónia do Sacramento.
This is a wound. I am making provisions to support the building of forts in this area. Forts of any kind, stone or wood. The next area of ??attention is our coastal waters. We need to protect trade. For this, I ordered a Corvette from the Commander that commands a fleet of Portuguese Carvalho and Ferro, using rules that they made to honor Portugal.
I hope this message is well read, as I am out of practice, and I hope for your loyalty to Portugal.
Dom João Inocêncio de Oliveira Horta
Barbacena’s Viscount

To All Dutch Commanders and Captains,
Gentlemen, our enemies have not been idle. We seized the initiative from most of them, but the pirates plague our VOC trade routes as always. However, this is no time to rest on our laurels! You must continue to press our enemies while we have the advantage.
Capture, sink, or burn their ships. Raze their towns and port facilities if they cannot be captured and held. Hang every pirate you meet.
EENDRACHT MAAKT MACHT! (Unity makes Strength)
Jan Van Meteren

For those new to the fight, check out the for some more detailed pictures, after action reports, and calls to arms for major factors. There is plenty of time to get involved, and a low bar for entry! submitting one game is enough to get your stake in for the big prize raffle. Check it all out! Join in with us and get some games in.