European Team Championships 2 – In the midst of battle!

By Benny Christiansen

Last time the team was introduced. The Captain, Helge, explained a few things about the event as well as the strategy.

The event has now started, and the status of the event, after 4 games, is as you can see here:

The terrain on the tables is always a subject that keeps the conversation going amongst the participants. This year is no different. There can be many opinions about it, too much, not enough or too much that blocks LOS etc. Take a look at some of the pictures and consider it for yourself. Feel free to visit the forum, to engage in a discussion, if you feel like it. It is a subject that many consider “elementary”, but in my experience, very few people start out having the same opinion, if they are from different countries or areas.

The Danish Team started out playing vs Scotland, and on the evening before the battle, they met and had a very nice meal together, and probably a few glasses of something-something. The game was Free For All and the Danish Team managed a narrow win, by 2 to 1.

Their next opponent: France. The French team is amongst some of the best. And the mission was Rearguard. 5 to 1 for the French.

On the second day, The Danish Team’s first match was against Serbia. The mission was Counter Attack. It ended 3 to 3. The second round was against Switzerland. The Danish team had a good matchup and won the game 4 to 1.

Tomorrow the first game is against Italy. The Italians are very good players, and no quarter is given when you make mistakes.