Tournament Report: Team Yankee at Creative Pursuit Games Leesburg, VA.

By Howard West, Photos by Dane Van Norden

Creative Pursuit Games (CPG) located in Leesburg; VA hosted a Team Yankee tournament on January 30th, 2021. CPG has been hosting small gaming tournaments during COVID based on the state of Virginia’s COVID-19 guidelines that are in place at the time of the event. Dane and his wife Kaitlin are great hosts and have a very nice and welcoming store.

In my previous article on I mentioned how some tournament organizers (TO) will provide the missions for the tournament, who the Attacker or Defender might be and that the points may vary per round. This tournament was a perfect example of this.

Dane also likes to provide a background narrative for the tournament, this one was called RED BLIZZARD. When Dane created the title for this the event, I doubt that he was giving the attendees a long-range weather forecast, but yes it did snow late Saturday evening thru Monday but it is January and it is winter in VA.


Background info for the tournament provided by the TO.

Saturday, 01/30/2021

“Red Blizzard!” (120-75 points)

An alternate 1989 – the Berlin Wall has fallen – as Soviet forces spill over the border! Yes, the Cold War has gone hot once again. Funny how that happens around here…

“Red Blizzard” will explore NATO and Warsaw Pact forces conducting their planned missions, culminating in a clash of remnant warlords in a postwar wasteland!

The current rulebook (WW3-01) and most recent Lessons From the Front will be used and the Missions from the Flames of War “More Missions” pack WILL be used:

Players must devise three (3) force lists; (x1) 120-point list, (x1) 105-point list, (x1) 75-point list. All forces may include no more than two (2) formations each and must share at least one formation in common.

Red vs. Blue matching will be attempted for Games #1 and #2. In the event that a Red-on-Red / Blue-on-Blue matchup is necessary, refer to the valid force book list; higher numbers give your force preference for Warsaw Pact, lower numbers for NATO; (a true tie will be resolved by a simple roll-off). Game #3 will be organized with straight swiss pairings.

GAME #1: “The Red Surge” 120 points
MISSION: “Dogfight” OR “Cornered.” Warsaw Pact Forces Attack. NATO defends and chooses mission.

Soviet and Warsaw Pact forces surge into Western Europe as NATO forces scramble to hold back the tide. The Warsaw Pact commanders’ goals are simple; attack and seize ground. NATO commanders must choose whether to stand and defend their chose ground, or withdraw to a position of relative strength and organize a counteroffensive.

GAME #2: “Campaign’s Climax” 105 points
MISSION: In the event of over-all Warsaw Pact victory in Game 1, we will play “Breakthrough,” Warsaw Pact attacks, NATO defends.
In the event of over-all NATO victory in Game 1, we will play “Counterattack,” NATO attacks, Warsaw Pact defends.

With the Soviet blitz at its climax, the fighting has gotten ferocious. Warsaw Pact forces are desperate to achieve a breakthrough, and NATO is determined to keep the pressure on until reinforcements can arrive from America. The campaign could be decided here!

GAME #3: “Warlord’s World” 75 points
MISSION: “Dust Up.” Randomize Attacker with a D6 roll.

WWIII ends with a catastrophic nuclear exchange, reducing society to chaos. In the post-war anarchy and nuclear winter, warlords rise from the ashes, attempting to assert dominance over their rivals and neighbors. Lead the remains of your warband to post-apocalyptic glory!

My List

For this tournament, my list consisted of two BMP formations, the core formation was East German, with a Soviet Allied formation. In each of the BMP formations, I had either a T-72M or a T-62M tank company included. In my last tournament at CPG, I played an East German BMP formation with a Soviet Allied T-62M formation. For this tournament, I wanted to see how an all BMP list would work. I have used Soviet BMP lists before and they worked out pretty well for me. I have been trying out East Germans as the core force with Soviet Allied formations in some of my recent tournaments.

GAME #1 Mission was Dogfight at 120 points.

My opponent Jon was playing a US M-113 Mech Combat Team with a Light Cavalry Troop. Even after the new Team Yankee American Book I think the US M-113 Company is still a tough nut to crack. Especially when your opponent has the 4 ITV Anti-Tank Platoons in the Mech Platoon, Light Cavalry troop and a M1 Abrams platoon. That is a lot of Tow-2’s to dodge. I have played John before and our games usually match the mission name a “DOGFIGHT”.  We ended with a 3-3 and a lot of burning vehicles on each side. I ended near the objective and I spent to much time fighting thru his frontline choke point. Overall another good game with John.

East Germans and Soviets Clearing the American front line and BMPs breaking through the openings.


Game #2 Mission was Counterattack at 105 points

My opponent Patrick was playing a Leo-1 Company with a Marder Company and each with a Gepard platoon. I have never played Patrick before but he has been doing well in past tournaments with his West Germans. I have played my East German or Soviet lists before against West Germans and my past battles have been brutal, especially with lists with the double Gepard platoons. Since I have two BMP formations, the Gepard’s become public enemy #1 as part of my plan for the game. Both sides caused a lot of causalities on each other for a 2nd 3-3 for the day for the East German and Soviet Collation.



East Germans and Soviets units moving into the West German deployment area that he vacated during his spearhead move and his first turn.

GAME #3 Mission was Dust Up at 75 points

My opponent Bill was playing a French Mech Company with Air Support. It has been several years since Bill and I have played Team Yankee but one thing that has not changed is how nicely painted his armies are. Both players moved into the open quarters on each side and started to engage. Bill’s French auto loader artillery and his gunslingers caused enough damage for him to get a 3-2 as time ran out and win the tournament.


French Air ready for battle.

More Pics from other games.

French and American ACR vs West Germans out in the desert


Soviets vs Americans in a city fight

French vs Americans in West Germany.


Overall another good Team Yankee tournament hosted by CPG, looking forward to trekking to Leesburg, VA later in 2021. Hopefully, Dane does not name the next one Spring Floods. I had three good games against the top three finishers. I will try both the 120 and 105 lists again, I think they both have potential.

2 thoughts on “Tournament Report: Team Yankee at Creative Pursuit Games Leesburg, VA.”

  1. Howard, another interesting article. Thank you for taking the time to recount the event and sharing some of our experiences during the tournament. Looking forward to the next time we meet.

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