Team Yankee Battle Report – Danes vs Canadians: The Rematch

The mural in the main room of the Soldier’s Home

By Robert Kelly

You may recall that I played a game of Team Yankee this summer against Morten from Kolding, Denmark. Three Team Yankee Games in Denmark With Three Different Danish Mortens – No Dice No Glory  I managed to pull out a win, and now it was time for Morten to seek his revenge.

The local Soldier’s Home in Fredericia, Denmark is located just outside the base (caserne) and is run by the YMCA. YMCA Soldiers’ Home – YMCA Soldiers’ Mission ( Their website says, “The YMCA Soldiers’ Home is a sanctuary for soldiers. In soldier slang, it is called “Kuffen” and serves as the soldiers’ second home. Here they relax, eat good food, watch TV together or play games.

At the YMCA Soldiers’ Home, we make an effort to create a homely setting. This means a good atmosphere, shared activities and space to be yourself”.

YMCA in Danish is KUFM, hence the nickname Kuffen.  After Christmas they usually organize a gaming day which is translates to “Christmas Beatings”.  There would be other games along with our Team Yankee game. I did the hour long drive from Aarhus in my mother in law’s three cylinder Suzuki Celerio to face a determined foe in Morten. It was a toss up as to whether he would use his usual list with some refining or a fun list of 30 tanks and an infantry platoon. We went with the fun list.

Warfare 2023, other five games to remember

By Paolo Paglianti

Imagine an airport hangar packed with tin soldiers: tin soldier shops, tin soldiers demo tables, tin soldiers tournaments. Well, that’s literally what happens at Warfare 2023, one of the biggest and most significant wargaming and modeling shows in the Old World, located south of London. Warfare is a heaven for every wargamer: there are lots of shops selling essentially anything you can imagine: books, miniatures from 6mm to 54mm, and terrain for any wargame from ancient to sci-fi.

It is organized by the Wargames Association of Reading and it’s simply excellent – I know how difficult is to organize an event so huge and complex, and David, Steve, and the Reading Team always do a fantastic job. I really recommend you pay a visit, if you’re in the UK next November.

Call to Arms Bolt Action Tournament – 7 October 2023

By Kreighton Long

On October 7 I had the opportunity to compete in the Bolt Action tournament at the Call to Arms convention in Williamsburg, Virginia put together by veteran Tournament Organizer Kalissa Skibicki.  Eight players competed throughout the day in three rounds of games using the Heartbreak Ridge, No Man’s Land, and Key Positions scenarios.

As always, the tables were a true treat to play on, drawing in many passersby, and creating gorgeous photo opportunities.  The atmosphere was relaxed and friendly. Kalissa’s tournament highlights echoed this remarking on the friendly and good nature of all players, an overall feeling of relaxation, and overhearing several suggestions between players giving opponents better cover advantages and better placement of objectives.

ETC 2023, Six games to remember

by Paolo Paglianti

We already had an article about ETC 2023 (you can read it here), probably the biggest and most important FOW tournament of the year. Now it’s time to talk about the six games I had during the tournament. I first attended the ETC in 2022 with Team Iceland – I was the “Italian Viking” mercenary invited to join the Nordic team by Soren Petersen and the rest of the squad. I was very happy and fortunate enough to secure the second overall position.

For my debut with the Team Italy at ETC 2023, I stuck with the British Army, my preferred list in FOW. However, this time I was up against a challenging opponent. While the British army in Late War is a highly respectable list, equipped with all the tools needed to face any adversary, its Desert War counterpart for Mid War is an entirely different story. The British in the desert lacks effective Anti-Tank capabilities with solid AT values. You can acquire some costly 17/25 pound guns, but they are rather immobile. Alternatively, you can opt for the even pricier M10s from our wealthier US counterparts, but they are easily hit (3+) and struggle to effectively counter the formidable armored units of the Russians or Germans.

Three Team Yankee Games in Denmark With Three Different Danish Mortens

Morten from Kolding’s excellent Leopards.

For decades now, I’ve been making an annual trip to Denmark. I’ve gotten to know a fair number of players over there and I always try to get a game of some type in when I’m in country. The new Nordic Forces book has helped to grow World War Three -Team Yankee in Denmark, so I decided to arrange some opponents for my Canadians. In talking with a couple of players it was decided that I would bring an 80-point list.  In North America, we tend to go with much bigger lists, but I was able to come up with what I thought would be a competitive list at 80 points.

My 80 points of Canadians with US support from the original book.

My first game was against Morten Peter Schmidt from Aarhus. He’s a very well-known Flames player in Denmark, a stalwart on the Danish ETC team every year and an all-around nice guy. We met up at Einherjerne’s Tabletop clubhouse in Aarhus.  They have a building that they share with a role-playing club and a motorcycle club (not a gang). Most Danish clubs are fortunate in that they have a permanent clubhouse where they can leave scenery and have a fully stocked beer fridge.

Morten from Aarhus’ list.


Morten brought his 80 points of Amercians.

Every other year I’ve played games, I’ve forgotten what happened in the games when I got home to write the battle reports. This time I took notes.

I chose to defend, Morten chose to attack and we rolled Bridgehead. I put my Leopards in ambush and my M1s in reserve. I then placed my minefields to force him to go wide. Though with his Spearhead he got very close to my right flank and killed all of my TOW and half of my ADATS with his Sgt Yorks. I took out one Humvee, two M60s, then popped my ambush on the left flank and only killed two of his M60s.

Start of game set up. It’s hard to see Morten’s troops on the extreme right due to the other gaming table.

The carnage has started on turn one.

On turn two Morten’s infantry moved to take the houses in the centre of the table. They killed one of my M113s and bailed two more. His Humvee TOW killed a Leopard and bails another. I then lost another Leopard to an M60. The M60s on my right killed the M113s in front of them. My infantry platoon guarding the objective on my right lost three Carl Gustav stands as I couldn’t make any saves. This is mainly thanks to his M109s doing a repeat bombardment.

His Harriers also came in, 50 cal rounds from my M113s bouncing and then the Harriers wiff. On my half of the turn, the Leopards re-mount and my Reserves arrive. The Leopards kill the last of the M60s in front of them.  This allows the M1s, who arrive on the left to concentrate on helping out the platoon on my right (once they get there). Unfortunately, all they do is kill a Humvee TOW and an M113 and bail another Humvee TOW.

The Harriers wiff.

By turn three the situation on the right-hand objective was getting precarious for me. My M1s were on the board but on the wrong side of the battlefield. Morten made all of his tests but his Harriers decided to stay away from the battlefield. His M60s and infantry got to within assault range of the objective. You can see below how I failed all of my saves for my infantry, leaving me with just one stand holding the objective.

His Humvee TOWs killed two Leopards and bail an M1. Fortunately for me, his M109s failed to range in. Due to the Danger Close rule, he had to move his ranged in marker off of the objective if he wanted to assault it. He then launched his assault on the objective. I bailed his M60, he failed his swings and I failed to counterattack.  I dodged a bullet there. On my turn, my other platoon dug in and I pinned his infantry to keep them away from the threatened objective. I also kill all but one of his M60s.

On turn four his infantry unpins. His M60 made his last stand check and his Harriers arrived. His Sgt Yorks opened up on me again, but I made all my saves. His Humvees then wiff. His artillery also wiffed and his Harriers bail out one tank. All of his TOW missed and his assault fails. His dice went cold again just at the right time for me.

With the rest of my army closing in on the right-hand objective we decide to call the game. Morten’s Americans had lost most of their combat power and their momentum. Another fun game with Morten, but I got a bit lucky when he went for my objective. Pro tip.  Bring a North American tape measure as it’s hard to find one in Europe with inches.  Even though the game has metric measurements, I find it much easier to play in inches.

The game ends with me having one team on the objective and lots of firepower backing up that last team. 

Next up was a game against Morten Vang Alrø from Kolding, Denmark. Kolding is only about an hour away from Aarhus and Morten from Kolding said he would be in Aarhus for a few days to attend a bachelor party. Morten from Aarhus was out of town, so we couldn’t get access to the clubhouse. I then remembered that we had a games room with a ping pong table in our hotel. Morten brought scenery with him and we set up a game, again at 80 points.  We rolled Dust Up.

Morten’s Danish force from the new Nordic book. Most of these models have since been painted.

My opening deployment.  Morten’s objective is the white van from KFUM. My objective is shining in the crop field.

I deployed in a tight box due to the restrictions of the mission. One platoon covered the KFUM van, the rest of the army guarding against a flank manoeuvre with ADATS as far back as possible. I put my Lynx out to my left front to stop a Spearhead. Not much to report on turn one. He killed one of my TOWs.  I can’t wait for the new lists with Tow Under Amour (TUA).  He would have had to roll a six to kill that TOW. My TOW then made a Leopard kill. I also bailed two tanks and he made his remounts.

The farm buildings in the middle of the table were modelled after actual buildings in the training area in Oksbøl, Denmark.

Morten’s excellent 3d printed scouts.  My camera doesn’t do them justice.

Morten’s Tornados come in on turn 2. He used Danish F16s as proxies and they look great. His tanks advanced and shot at their Canadian Leopard cousins, killing one. His TOW miss. His Tornados went for my big target-rich location as seen in the photo. Morten had never gone up against ADATS before.  He lost three aircraft with the fourth one bouncing my 50 cal hits. I lost an M113. On my half of the turn, I only killed one Leopard. My TOW fail to blitz and my Leopards Shoot and Scoot only to bog most of them.



On turn three Morten passed his morale checks. This is crucial when you have only three tanks in your platoons. My opponents always passed their morale checks and I always failed mine. Fortunately for me, he receives no aircraft or reserves, nor do his mortars range in. All of his Leopards miss their targets, but a TOW bails an M113. A very lucky turn for me.

In my half, my reserves arrived from the right in the form of my IPM1 Abrams.  They made their presence felt by killing all of his TOW along with his commander. The rest of my army misses.



On turn four, surprisingly, his aircraft and one platoon of Leopards failed their morale checks and fled from the battle. His reserves of three more Leopards arrived. His tanks killed one of my ADATS and a Leopard. Everyone else shot at my infantry and missed.

I always make sure to maintain my Gone to Ground until the very last moment. Somehow my Leopard passed his Last Man check to stay in the fight. My TOW and ADATS pass Blitz Moves and the ADATS bail a Leopard.  The TOW fired and missed. My Leopard also missed, but my M1s moved towards his objective.

Turn five saw one of his Leopards in the centre of the table pass a Last Man check. He then received two more platoons of Leopards from reserves. One platoon engaged my M1s the other moved to support the painted Leopards at the bottom of the table. They killed five of my M113s.

His mortars then pinned my infantry. Unfortunately for me, the Leopard that made the Last Man check moved to the side of my M1s and killed one of them. My last Leopard was hit and bailed, I lost another TOW and he killed one ADATS and bailed another.

When it was my turn to bat in the fifth, my last Leopard remounted but, of course, failed the Last Man check. My ADATS failed the remount but stay anyway. My TOW failed his Last Man check.

Finally, I am able to kill that Last Man Leopard in an act of revenge for the death of my Abrams.

Some of Morten’s Leopards moving towards my objective.  Photo taken moments before their destruction. 


My Lynx have moved to contest the objective.

The last of Morten’s reserves arrived on turn six in the form of another platoon of Leopards. Again my infantry were pinned by his mortars. He killed an ADATS and bailed the other one.  He then finished off the last of my M113s.  Not a wise move, as my infantry have no choice but to stay and fight. My M1s reversed to get some distance from his Leopards and kill only two of them. However, they are far away enough that they can’t be hit with side shots next turn.

Turn seven sees Morten get close to the objective at the bottom of the screen. His mortars failed to range in, and he missed my Lynx and my infantry. On my turn, my M1s dashed to get into a better position to shoot at the objective. My infantry platoon bravely jumped out of their fire trenches and moved to his Leopards, killing two of them.

Morten made all of his tests at the beginning of turn eight. His mortars hit my M1s, but did no damage. I lost a Lynx and two infantry stands.

During my last turn, the Lynx failed his test (I failed four of five tests). I then bailed his last Leopard near the objective and captured the tank. We called the game there. Morten was running out of combat power and my M1s were now in a position to cut down anything that moved towards one of the objectives.

Morten said, “Only two things I wish I had done differently in that game. I wasted a couple of turns, not knowing what to do with my scouts, and I should have held back my F-16s for a few turns, till I had cleared out the ADAT’s, so I could have saved them for your Abrams”.  Luckily my strategy of holding onto the objectives with my Canadians until the Abrams saved the day worked.  Both times I got lucky with some dice rolling.  And knowing my ability with dice it won’t always work out in my favour.

Here is one of Morten’s objective markers. Its a van from the Danish KFUM Soldaterhjem.  That translates to the YMCA Soldier’s Home. According to their website, the YMCA Soldier Mission is a nationwide volunteer organization with the goal of being something for the individual soldier. A central purpose from the beginning of the Soldiers’ Mission’s history has been “to be where the soldiers are” – and therefore there are soldiers’ homes at the barracks and preferably also where Danes are deployed. It provides spiritual and recreational services to soldiers. Morten told me that they have an upcoming Team Yankee game at their local KFUM.

YMCA Soldier Mission (



The last Morten that I met up with was my friend from Aalborg. Aalborg is just an hour north of Aarhus, so I borrowed my mother-in-law’s three-cylinder Suzuki Celerio and headed north. I’ve been visiting Morten for years now and we always manage some type of game. This year I suggested we play Team Yankee since the Danish Army was now represented.  Morten is a former soldier as well. Our first stop was at the Front page – Aalborg Defence- and Garrison Museum (   Aalborg Defence and Garrison Museum (see photo) where we were joined by Palle, another former soldier. If there is interest I can do another one of my museum reports.

One problem we had was that none of the boys in Aalborg had a 15mm Team Yankee army. I would have borrowed one from Morten in Aarhus, but he was off to play in the European Team Championships at the time. Morten from Aalborg saved the day when he told me that they had a bunch of 10mm models. He sent photos of what they had and I made up some 85-point lists. I chose 85 points as I found out that there would be a tournament in Copenhagen in October using 85 points. Team Yankee turnering i KBH | Facebook I kept the list fairly basic, so it was a bunch of T72s with some recce, artillery and anti-tank against American M1s and some TOW.


The museum in Aalborg.

As I was teaching the game and playing I forgot to take further photos. I paired with Claus commanding the Russians and Morten and Palle played the Americans. In this game, the Russians managed to win the day. Everyone agreed that they liked the idea of playing with the smaller models and didn’t experience the parking lots that they had heard so much about.

They also liked the mechanics of the game and how fast they picked it up. Their only complaint was the lack of an “Overwatch” rule. Like myself, they don’t like the idea that someone can be in a perfect ambush position but has to wait till the other person drives around to your flank to get a shot in.

If you survive, you then get a shot. I think they could do an overwatch rule similar to the Air Defence rule where you can choose to shoot right away or wait until your turn. I left everyone a copy of the rulebook.  Hopefully, when I return next year we can have another game, though I suspect it will be in 10mm again.

Here is the table just before set up.

It was great to be able to bring my troops overseas again.  Those Battlefront bags are great at transporting armies and as usual, nothing was broken or damaged. The Mortens are now familiar with my hold and counterattack strategy, so with the new Nato Book out, I will have to come up with another game-winning Canadian list. The smaller European point totals make the list-building a little tougher, but I think I prefer the faster-moving games.

Vi ses næste år.
(That's Danish for see you next year)



ETC 2023 – NoDiceNoGlory and Team Italy went to the biggest FOW tournament of the year!

Dear HQ, are you seriously asking to kill an Elephant with an Elefantino gun? Yours, Italian at front without an 88. 

By Paolo Paglianti

Oops, we did it again! NoDiceNoGlory took part in the most important Flames of War event of the world, as we did in 2022. Each year, the European Team Championship is the moment where the most passionate and strong FOW players meet with their national teams. No easy battle, as here you find the best of the best – and not only from Europe, as New Zealand and US Teams also join the party. An amazing long weekend where I met tons of wonderful people with the same passion for wargames and lots of fun.

Nam June 5-9 1969 Battle of Binh Ba ‘Operation Hammer’

by Dennis ‘Matt Varnish’ Campbell


With the upcoming re-release of ‘Nam by Battlefront, Scott Roach and I decided it was high time to break out our ‘Nam armies.    We had painted up our forces this winter for the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge, but we realised we just didn’t have enough jungle.  We had some of the ‘Nam jungle and paddies, but nowhere near enough.

We gathered up everything we had and one Saturday just laid out the drill, hot glue gun, and MDF and made a heap of jungle bases.  Once covered in AK ‘Jungle Earth’ we just added a bit of ground clutter and away we go. I think we still need a bit more, but this will be fine for our first game. We decided to (loosely) play the opening days of the Battle of Binh Ba.

Getting Started in Warlord Games Epic Battles American Civil War


By Howard West


When Warlord Games brought out the Epic American Civil War line, several of the people in our group wanted to purchase some of the starter sets and add-on box sets.  I was up for playing a Civil Wars miniatures game again. Since the late 70s our group has played the following Civil War Miniatures rule sets: Rally Around the Flag, Stars and Bars, Blue Light Manual, Fire and Fury, Johnny Reb, and Onto Richmond. I probably have forgotten others.

The problem for me getting into any new rules set was remounting the figures to the required basing and in my case that is a lot of figures. I have eight boxes of figures like the picture below that will need to be remounted, I painted these figures in the late 70s thru the 80s and ’90s.

Call to Arms Bolt Action Tournament — 8 October 2022

By Kreighton Long

Last Saturday, 8 October, I had the opportunity to attend the Call to Arms convention in Williamsburg, VA and compete in the Bolt Action tournament. The tournament was organized by seven-year TO veteran Kalissa Skibicki. Twenty competitors checked in Saturday morning for a day of competitive gaming. The tournament progressed smoothly and after three different scenarios with three different opponents, the tournament came to a successful conclusion.

When in Rome.. Art de la Guerre games at the Club

by Dennis ‘Matt Varnish” Campbell

I have been blessed to live in Ottawa for a few reasons, but one is the strong gaming community we have here. I think ours is larger than Montreal and is definitely larger than Toronto’s, cities with 2x and 5x our population.

I know back when I played WHFB and 40K back in the golden era (1996-2006) we had a very strong showing of Ottawa-based gamers at tournaments including the Grand Tournament. When my group of players switched over to Flames of War and started hosting tournaments, we organized a decent following and hosted the Canadian Nationals for many years.

Now that I have dipped my toes into Ancients and other historicals (Napoleonics) I find that, yet again, we have a strong following, this time in the form of the Ottawa Miniatures Gamers (OMG) some of whom are consistent Art de la Guerre (ADLG) rankings, players. So, I have started attending club nights which are held typically twice a month, and as luck would have it, their rotation of games had ADLG so I tidied up some of my Romans in 28mm and showed up to get trounced!