Battlefront and NoDiceNoGlory will host the 2018 Team Yankee Nationals at Historicon, Lancaster PA
July 13 2018; 10am 8pm
Arrive at 9:30 am to register. Four 2-hour rounds.
64 Points.
All official lists from Team Yankee (incl Afghansty), Leopard (incl Panzertruppen), Iron Maiden, Volks-Armee, Red Thunder, Stripes and Free Nations will be allowed.
All forces will be fully painted. No proxies allowed.
We have spots for 48 players and we will make a stand-by list if the tournament sills up. Each participant will get the EM-50 objective for free for playing in the tournament.
Players will register by sending their force lists to by 30 June. Information and questions should be posted on a on or at
Prizes will also be handed out for the best-painted army and each faction will get Best Player Award.