Comparing British Tanks in Mid War V4
The Release of Armoured Fist has given the British player a wide array of options. A quick glance through the book gives a lot to be excited about. I found myself making list after list in an effort to see what was the most cost-effective use of points. This piece will analyze the tactical uses for each of the British tanks. I expect some readers will disagree with me on some of these, and only playtesting will bear it out what works in the long run (I’m looking at you Matt Varnish), but these are my first impressions. I will also analyze the tanks based on the 71 point MidWar Standard for tournament play this year.
Some other notes on force construction. One of the changes to the Force Organization diagram allows you to mix and match tanks to a larger degree than you could in Desert Rats. Grants can replace a Sherman platoon in their formation for example. The Death or Glory Boys list is also cheaper (due to it being easier to hit) and requires different, more aggressive tactics for that list to work as intended. For purposes of this analysis, I’ll use the Crusaders and Valentines from their standard formations (instead of the DoGB list) when discussing points.
The DoGB list is excellent in my opinion, using Valentines 2 pdr platoon and combining them with 6pdr Crusaders for firepower. Combined, they’re an excellent combination. My concern with that list has a weakness. The Crusaders are easy to kill off, which would leave the well armoured, but somewhat limited, Valentines to fend for themselves. Playtesting will bear that out, and I am sure many folks will want to give this list a try.