1967 Arab Israeli War: A Short History
by NDNG_Dane
The 1967 Arab-Israeli War is the third war between the Arabs and the Israelis. The first being the 194849 Arab-Israeli War and the second being the 1956 Suez War. When reading historical accounts of the 1967 war, there is often national bias on the part of the author. For example, the Israelis claim they were provoked by an imminent Arab attack. The Arabs claim they were reacting to Israeli aggression toward Syria.
Ever since the start of the first Arab-Israeli war in 1948, Israel had existed in a continued state of war with all of its Arab neighbors, including Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The first two wars were ended with cease-fires, but not with lasting peace. Thus, when the military forces of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq, began to mobilize and make obvious preparations for war, Israel felt forced to act, in self-defense.