Bring on the pain! I bravely (read foolishly) decided to break out my X-Acto knife and green stuff to try to build a Case Yellow Fallschirmjager force using the Warlord Games sprues. As I started planning there were a few things I needed to keep in mind.
First was to have as many troopers as possible in the early war step-in smocks. This was in keeping with the fact that the second version jump smock had not become readily available to the Fallschirmjager corps during Case Yellow. Second was to use heads with uncovered helmets.
Nearly all the photographs I found online from this period show the Fallschirmjager with neither camo covers or netting over their head protection. Third was to identify where weapon substitutions or additions would need to take place. The primary light machine gun for the Case Yellow Fallschirmjager was the MG34 and the flamethrower of choice in 1940 would have been the Flammenwerfer 35 as the Flammenwerfer 41 was not introduced until 1941. With these three things in mind I got to work.
It’s 1948. Another War to End All Wars is over… or is it? Soviet aggression is on the rise.
Clash of Steel!Gale Force Nine’s newest game is about using the models from World of Tanks and Flames of War to enact the great tank battles in the fields of eastern Europe should Operation: Unthinkable (The Invasion of Soviet Union post WWII) have come to pass!
Just as it had happened for the Mid period, Battlefront is about to release the first “compendium” of Late War books, starting with D-Day. The hefty tome, comprising more than 320 pages, includes the two German volumes (SS and D-Day German), as well as the British and American ones.
Is there anything new on the Western Front? While the Mid “Compendium” books (Desert and Eastern Front) had added the “Monsters”, the experimental units or those produced in very few numbers, in the case of D-Day the novelties are more limited. The NoDiceNoGlory team of Flames of War enthusiasts (in addition to myself, who read the book along with my favorite sparring partner Claudio Tiso, there are also Michael Rafferty and Richard Steer) combed through the tome and found some sneaky juicy additions. Are they a valid reason to buy the new compendium? Probably yes, but you need to read until the end of the article!
A few weekends back I had the opportunity to compete in a Bolt Action tournament. Twenty-four players converged on Titan Games and Hobbies in Timonium, Maryland for a day of competitive play. Operation Roundup was Tournament Organizer Mike Kehs’ third tournament and largest so far. Mike began organizing tournaments in Maryland to support events for players in his area. Learning from other TOs, Mike advertised early and often for his event which helped to pull in players from multiple states around Maryland.
Mike’s tournaments aim to provide enjoyable experiences for competitive players, hobbyists, and new players alike. Mike was supported by two assistants who doubled as judges for the painting competition. The assistants helped to ensure a smooth event considering it’s size with one stepping in as a ringer to even out the numbers.
In a previous article here on No Dice, No Glory, I noted my plan to deliver a professional development seminar for my fellow officers at the 5th Canadian Division Support Base in Gagetown, New Brunswick, Canada. In that article, I outlined the method to my madness and the purpose of this article is not to talk about that which was presented, but rather to talk about my preparation and delivery and then to discuss the reception. In the words of the Joker, Here we go!
I feel like I say this every year, but this was the biggest AdeptiCon ever. Early estimates are over 8000 badged attendees with the numbers still being calculated. That means likely 10,000-12,000 through the door since AdeptiCon does not charge for a shopper’s badge and there are a lot of people that come to walk around and check things out. Early reports from the vendor hall is that the majority of vendors had their best year ever and the hall was packed when I walked through. Despite all these record-breaking notes, there is one important question: did I have fun?
Some of my fondest childhood memories are from the 1976 Bicentennial of the American War of Independence (AWI). That excitement has been kindled of late as we will soon be approaching the 250th Anniversary. About a year ago I suggested to Henry Turner, prolific provider of 3D files to print countless 6mm armies, that he might want to consider an AWI line as we approach the 250th. He was probably planning this all along, but I like to think I gave him the idea to produce this excellent “Colonies Asunder” range of 6mm to 15mm wargame miniature files. I’m taking full credit anyway!
By Kreighton Long. Pictures from May ’40 Miniatures, Warlord Games, Black Tree Designs, Artizan Miniatures, Offensive Miniatures, Perry Miniatures, Wargames Foundry, Gorgon Studios, Crusader Miniatures, 1st Corps, and Westwind Productions.
As one Bolt Action project ends, another begins. Reflecting on my current inventory I notice a distinct lack of dedicated early war options. Within my hobby circle this is the period of World War Two which is notably neglected. Theories as to why range from a lack of US involvement to a distinct absence of the more iconic mid and late war tanks and weapons. In an effort to try to rectify this bias, as well as to challenge myself with something new, I began planning to build and paint an early-war German paratrooper, aka Fallschirmjager, force designed around Case Yellow.
Case Yellow, also known as the Manstein Plan, was the German invasion of the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France. The Fallschirmjagers saw their first deployments in the Poland campaign and then saw their first firefights in Norway. These experiences provided lessons to hone their abilities for Case Yellow. On 10 May 1940 the Fallschirmjagers made arguably their greatest contribution to the war with their successful capture of the Belgian fort of Eben Emael. The raid is worth a look if you’re unfamiliar but I’ll tease you with the note that 85 Fallschirmjagers landed in gliders on top of the fortification consisting of multiple gun emplacements and housing over one thousand Belgian troops. After a few hours of fighting the garrison surrendered and history was made. The Fallschirmjager went on to operate with mixed results in the Netherlands, Greece, their last major airborne operation of the war — Crete, and finally as conventional line-units in Italy, Russia, and Western Europe.
For my early-war Fallschirmjagers I aspire to stay as true to the Case Yellow theme I chose for myself. This means limiting my troopers to the early war smocks. The early war smocks were step-in smocks where the paratrooper had to step into the leg holes, pull the smock up over his shoulders, and feed his arms through the sleeves. These smocks differed from the next generation smocks, issued starting in 1942, that look more like short cut trench coats. By 1941, both the the early war step-in smocks and the coats were issued in the splinter camouflage pattern. As I want to keep my jumpers true to the Case Yellow period I sought out models that exclusively used the early war step-in smock model.
As I started investigating different options on where to get my Fallschirmjager I quickly realized that I was about to be overwhelmed with the possibilities. A feeling of paralysis by analysis started to set in. Below are some of the options I found and a quick summary of what I noticed.
May ’40 Miniatures appears to be an excellent match for Case Yellow Fallschirmjagers. Their sets even include Fallschirmjagers with hollow charges for their raid at Eben Emael and a set with captured Dutch weapons for their fighting in the Netherlands. For someone looking to get painting right away these option is tough to beat.
Warlord Games has a variety of options for Fallschirmjager models. The core is the plastic box set which includes five sprues of six torsos with three being sculpted with the early war step-in smock and three with the mid-war open smock. Warlord offers the widest variety of support weapons and options for Fallschirmjager collectors. For my early-war vision I would have to be mindful of whether or not I’m getting metal models in the mid-war smocks when ordering their support weapon sets.
Black Tree Designs has a range of Fallschirmjager for both early and late war. Most of the model packs I looked at were sculpted with the early war smocks so that’s a plus for Black Tree Designs. There is an excellent variety of support weapons and options which is appealing. Most everything I foresee needing is available. Black Tree Designs features Builder Packs to help save money when ordering multiple packs at a time which is another plus for this option.
Artizan Miniatures features a range of Fallschirmjager modeled for mid and late war actions. Their packs include sculpts of both step-in and open smocks. I’ve painted Artizan miniatures in the past and am a fan of their work. However, as their miniatures are metal they are more difficult to modify than plastics. Additionally, their weapon options are tailored for the mid-war period with no MG-34s available.
Offensive Miniatures‘ Fallschirmjager range has a ton of character but appears to be sculpted with mid-war actions in mind judging by the open smocks and MG-42s. Certainly worth considering for Fallschirmjagers fighting in North Africa, Italy, Russia, or France after Operation Overlord.
Perry Miniatures includes packs of Fallschirmjager in their German collection. The sculpts look intended for the North Africa campaigns and include open smocks mixed in with step-in smocks. While the metal miniatures look like a joy to paint altering the metal open smocks to fit the step-in requirements of my Case Yellow army will be far less joyful.
Wargames Foundry has four sets of Fallschirmjager. While the miniatures look well sculpted with details such as external knee pads for those tough landings, the limited selection of options makes this a difficult sell for filling in a full Bolt Action army roster efficiently.
Gorgon Studios offers nine sets of Fallschirmjagers. All sets are sculpted with the step-in smock and are an ideal match for early-war Fallschirmjager. This was my first exposure to Gorgon Studios and I will certainly keep them in mind if when I look at either Norwegians or Polish 10th Mechanized Brigade.
Crusader Miniatures‘ Fallschirmjagers are sculpted for the early-war period with step-in smocks and MG-34s. Their World War Two Platoon Deal is an ideal way to start collecting an early-war Fallschirmjager force.
1st Corps also has a range of early war Fallschirmjager. 1st Corps also offers casualty figures (especially handy as I’ll need to make pin markers for my army), drop canisters, and a supply dump. Easily a one stop shop for getting started with early-war Fallschirmjager.
Westwind Productions offers a few packs of Fallschirmjager which appear to be more suitable for late-war action based on their uniforms and the equipment they are sculpted with.
It’s not surprising that a force as famous as the Fallschirmjager have been covered by so many different manufacturers. Among the available options May ’40 Miniatures, Black Tree Designs, and Wargames Foundry stand out the most through my Case Yellow tinted jump goggles. While looking through all the pretty toys I began to feel that I wanted more of a challenge than simply buying some kits ready to go. I have been called a glutton for punishment before. In the end I decided to go with the Warlord Games plastics. This is partially me being cheap, as I already have a healthy pile of Fallschirmjager sprues in my box of shame, a combination of gifts from co-conspirators and freebies from Wargame Illustrated and Warlord Games, and partially the excitement of a challenge. Working with the Warlord sprues will force me to step outside my comfort zone by modifying the jump jackets into step-in smocks, kitbashing to have a unique force, and to practice my green-stuff skills by creating some of the weapons I will need (such as flamethrowers for my Fallschirmpioneers). This will be a slow burn project but I hope to one day have a unique looking army to take to both club and competitive events. Time to hit the hobby bench and start proof testing my ideas. Stay tuned for the next addition where I hope to talk about having more success than sorrow converting the Warlord Fallschirmjager sprues into something worthy of raiding the fortress of Eben Emael.
The art of coalition command … in Afghanistan … is to take the resources you are provided with, understand what the strengths and weaknesses are and to employ them to the best overall effect. – David Petraeus
By Patrick S. Baker
In 2015 Vietnam ’65, developed by Johan Nagel and his company, Every Single Soldier, was published by Matrix/Slitherine on the Steam platform and Apple’s App Store. Vietnam’ 65 was an operational-level game that focused on the American and South Vietnamese counter-insurgency (COIN) campaign in the jungles of Southeast Asia. The game received critical praise and sold well.
In March, 2017, Afghanistan ’11 (A’11), published by Matrix/Slitherine, was released on Steam and the App Store. A’11 was developed by Every Single Soldier and Retro Epic and is an operational level game focused on the counter-insurgency in the mountains and valleys of Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom.
A’11 is not a simple re-skinning of Vietnam ‘65, replacing jungles with mountains, the Viet Cong with the Taliban, and Hueys with Blackhawks, instead the game had been markedly improved, and expanded, with much deeper game play. This new depth included multiple historical scenarios as well as the familiar skirmish mode.
“This is what you’ve all been waiting for. This September, the fighting intensifies. Warlord Games and Osprey Games are proud to announce a new edition of the world’s greatest World War II wargame… “~ Warlord Games
EDITOR’s NOTE: Since that includes more information than was in the original press release, this story is being updated with additional information.
This seems to be the year for World War 2 action from Warlord Games! The exhaust and smoke from the battlefield of Warlord’s new Achtung Panzer! game is hot an heavy, and now Warlord announces the impending release of Bolt Action 3rd Edition. Wow!
In a press release from Warlord Games, Alessio Cavatore is tagged as the rules guru behind the new version. Since he’s been at the controls of the game since its inception, that’s no surprise.