HUSZAR: Late War Hungarians in Flames of War.
By Scott Roach
I know for a lot of players out there, the long awaited Hungarian Late War Book for Bagration is out. As a long time Hungarian player, my second Army I ever put together I believe, I have been eagerly awaiting this book update.This article will look at and talk about the base formations within the Bagration Book. It will look at the different base styles of formations and the support options that are available. The article will not look at the Hungarian Cards. These will be provided in a separate excellent article provided by Ian Birdwell from No Dice No Glory.
So lets get started. Firstly lets talk about the Hungarian Special Rules. There are only the two. Firstly, Huszar. Teams with the Huszar special rule have a reduced motivation rating when testing to use the follow me movement order. The second rule is Home Defence. Teams with this rule have an improved last stand rating.