Bagration German Command Card Review

By Tom Burgess

Battlefront has released its Bagration German book.  I was interested and how, or even if, the Battlefront team could make a unique new book when so much of the standard German units seem already accounted for.  Though I was already quite content with the new book as is, it’s normally the Command Cards that take a new force book to the next level.  That is the case here as I think these new Bagration German Command Cards take an already excellent book product and knocked it out of the park with these new command cards.

Review: One Small Step; but a big step for Academy Games

I have been a fan of Academy Games well before I met Uwe Eickert, their CEO from playing their series. I got to meet Uwe at Connections 2019 and interviewed him for a podcast and I was impressed with his approach as a game developer. While Academy games does not have dozens of titles, every game in their inventory is a masterpiece that all gamers will enjoy. Their game which covers the space race, is yet another hit in their catalog.

Bagration German: Win on the tabletop, but still lose the war

By Tom Gall

The Flames of War Late War series continues with the latest book Bagration German. This is force is the mirror to the . Battlefront has slated the book, command cards, unit cards are more for a January release. Already if you look at the Battlefront site, you’ll see a .

Will this book make up for the Russian advances contained in the Bagration Soviet book? Is there a new meta ahead?  Will Hetzers Hetz? What surprises await? Let’s dive and see what Bagration German offers for you!

Battlefront Product Review: My Game Is In (City) Ruins

By Mitch Reed

Recently sent me some of their brand-new and I got around to finishing them just in time to make sure that they land on your holiday wish list. I usually do not collect too much terrain in 15mm however after recently getting a mat that looks like a torn-up battlefield, I decided to take this project on. Past buildings from Battlefront were usually one to three-story affairs made of resin and came pre-painted, these plastic kits are huge and very well done with five floors to expand your table upwards.

Painting & Basing Infantry Teams for Battlegroup NorthAG

by Tom Gall

In this article we’re going to focus on infantry for Battlegroup NorthAG by the Plastic Soldier Company. How should we paint and base them?

Painting British

Let’s start out with British infantry, as their camo pattern uniform is a bit more complicated. For the models, I’m using the Plastic Soldier Company 10mm Ultracast, mechanized infantry box.

Starting with a base coat, I primed my British black. Starting with Helmets 888  as the initial coat of Vallejo, followed by a dry brush of 886 Green Grey Vallejo.

Fix Bayonets! A ‘Blood & Plunder’ preview & Bat-Rep

By Tyler Stone

Well, the is a wrap and the pledge manager is on the horizon (possibly even available, by the time you’re reading this) and it’s time to start thinking about what boxes you’d like to add to that Admiral pledge. But what if you’re done deciding, and that decision was Soldiers? Well, you’re in luck, because I’ve got a battle report with the French Army list that Mike sent out us to preview. So charge your muskets and fix bayonets, let’s dive into some new material.

Dishdash Games Ultracombat Moderns: Modern Russian Army Review

By Kreighton Long

Following a successful campaign, is due to release additions to their in the coming months. These additions include a variety of US and Russian miniatures including nine-man fire teams for both nations.

The metal models come in a healthy variety of poses as they shoot, move, and communicate around the battlefield. This month we’ll take a look at the Russian miniatures.