Historicon 2019 Team Yankee tournament

Hey gang, Matt Varnish here, and I drove down from Canada with my buddies Scott and Rob Kelly and we entered the Team Yankee Nationals. I brought the Syrians, Scott brought West Germans and Rob took his Canadians. I ended up playing four great people: Robb Carper, Nick Reid, Frank Paixao and Mason Partak I took a metric ton of pics, here we go, first off with Armies on Parade (before the event started).

Historicon 2019: Blood, Plunder and Lancaster

Another is in the books. The 2019 installment was a blast and much different than the others I have attended. The new location and running a tournament for a new game made the experience of this year’s event one I will think about for a long time. It also marked the biggest collection of the NDNG staff under one roof.

KOREA – Forces of the British Commonwealth

With the way many remember the Korean War today or have learned about it in school or through hearing about it from others, America was nearly single-handedly holding the line against the Communist North. In truth, Great Britain and it’s Commonwealth had a massive presence, with three full brigades exhibiting tactical brilliance and heroism that is still studied today. This article will examine the British and Commonwealth forces present in the Bolt Action – Korea book, and examine what has evolved in their units, rules, and Selectors since the end of World War II.

For anyone who has played British or Commonwealth forces in Bolt Action, the special rules available will be familiar. The same, in fact; you have the two core special rules of Bombardment (rolling two dice per unit for preliminary bombardment and picking the best result) and Artillery Support (free Artillery Forward Observer). You also have the option between five National Characteristics, choosing one. This is the point where you should start constructing the framework for your army, as these can define the way your force fights, and even the way your units are filled out.

Blood Red Skies: Off We Go into MiG Alley

By Mitch Reed

Many of you probably know all about the upcoming Bolt Action Korea book from . The new book moves Bolt Action into a new conflict which also expands the game considerably. Not to be ignored the folk at Warlord are also bringing Blood Red Skies into this new era with its MiG Alley expansion due out in August. I have been playing with the jets for some time now I just love them.

United States and United Nations Forces in Bolt Action Korea

by Tom Burgess

Warlord Games has released and within it, forces from the United States and United Nations figure prominently.  Warlord has managed to pack a tremendous variety of platoon options all using the United States generic reinforced platoon list as the baseline.

This is appropriate as so many of the United Nations countries that committed troops to the Korean effort were from armies that had largely been rebuilt and reequipped following World War II by the United States. Accordingly, many of these nations’ armies looked a lot like the US Army’s formations.

In addition to the generic reinforce platoon list, the United States and United Nations player can utilize period selectors that more accurately represent these forces at various stages of the war.  This is important because these forces elevated heavily from the initial unprepared, poorly equipped, and undermanned type units that the US rushed to Korean Peninsula to try to stem the initial North Korean push south.

Brother versus Brother – North and South Korean Forces in Bolt Action – Korea

By Matt Sakrekoff

“At 0830 a staff officer of the 7th Division radioed the ROK Minister of Defense in Seoul: “We are under general attack and heavy artillery fire near the parallel. The enemy has already seized his initial objectives. We require immediate reinforcements. Our reserve is engaged.”

In one of the many dramatic passages from the seminal book on the Korean War, This Kind of War by T.R. Fehrenbach sets the tone of the shocking attack by North Korea across the 38th parallel and the desperate defense by Republic of Korea (ROK) forces. Warlord Games has done a credible job in re-creating the historical organization and tactics for both the Korean Peoples Army (KPA) and the ROK military. Both sides used equipment, organization, and tactics from their respective major supporting international power, e.g. the Soviet Union and the United States.

KOREA – Forces of The Chinese PVA

By Jacob Shober

In a war which echoes even to this day, nearly the whole world had turned their eyes to the Korean Peninsula, and the overt and covert politics playing out.

It was a war which turned allies less than a decade after the end of the Second World War against each other. None was more jarring than the Chinese joining the fight on the side of their communist brethren in the north.

If one observed closely, however, one could see the waves and ripples of the political turmoil and war in China itself that stretched to before the start of WW II, with the two Sino Japanese wars, the Warlord Era, and the Chinese Civil War.

This resulted in the Chinese Communist Party taking control of the country, and presenting the unified force of the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army (PVA). This article will examine the differences between the fractured Chinese forces found in “Empire in Flames”, and the unified forces found in the book, as well as the new units and theatre selectors available to them.

No Longer Forgotten; Bolt Action Korea

By Mitch Reed

Find the with Bolt Action Korea authors Steve Smith and Jon Russel, from the NOVA Open 2018 .

Long known as the “Forgotten War” the Korean conflict holds a unique place in history. It was never officially a war and to this day it has not officially ended. Due to these circumstances, it does not hold a place in our memory and we often forget the sacrifices of those who fought in the first major hot conflict in a very long Cold War.

The new Korean War book from Warlord Games not only pays homage to the combatants who fought in 1950-1953, but it also expands the game and brings a new wave of excitement for all Bolt Action players.

Heart of Leviathans Will Steel Your Heart

Many of you have seen our previous on a game called and a lot of you have asked when the game will be available. Your wait is over and HoL is now taking pre-sale orders (as of July 5, 2019). If you order, in a short amount of time, you will be slugging it out with some of the biggest weapons of war ever created.