Team Yankee: Syrian Painting Guide

By Matt Varnish

Hey everyone, as I mentioned in the podcast and on my Syrians article, Battlefront neglected to show off the cool Syrian paint schemes and left newer players high and dry in terms of cool pictures.   I am here to fix that.   We will look at building a killer HQ tank with ERA armour blocks, then general painting of vehicles and the 3 main schemes, then infantry at the end.   All paints are Vallejo unless otherwise noted.   Yalla, let’s go!

Starting with the standard plastic T-55, I added side skirts, the modern HMG and some old Mine plows I had left over from the T-72s. Used the flat front hull, not the up-armoured one.

Cruel Seas : Japanese bring the big guns – AAR

First, before I get started, it’s important to note that a was released on April 3rd. Be sure to pick it up and have a look!

As the game Cruel Seas continues to mature, one of my friend Chuck Hiner and I got together for him to try out his new Japanese fleet that he had just completed painting. We decided to play at 1000 points which would allow both of us plenty of options.

Chuck had picked up the , and was wondering how he would approach building a fleet. Included in the fleet box is one Hei minesweeper, four Sampans, six T-14s, a Val, and of course the six of the little kamikaze boats. Chuck decided to get an addition Hei minesweeper and use two of them as the backbone for his force.

No Dice No Glory Episode 38 Interview with Battlefront

If you play any games from Battlefront you will want to hear this episode. We have Pete Simunovich with us and he tell us about all the great new stuff coming from Battlefront. Loads of spoilers you cannot miss!
If you are interested in;
Flames of War Late War Release Schedule and what we can expect in them, Team Yankee in the 1960-70 Time-frame, Swedes and S-Tanks, T-80, M1A1, Apache, Bradley’s, Challengers, Chieftains, BMP-3s, Warriors, and some wild stuff from the 9th ID that was tested and never saw the field.
A lot of great stuff you just cannot miss!

The IDF Force You Shouldn’t Passover

By Mitch Reed

When we got the preview copy of the Oil War book from I was very interested in the possibility of playing a small IDF force so I can get the Pereh anti-tank platoon on the table, This unit has the ability to shoot anything on the table without needing line of site and uses a new special rule called NLOS.

Besides trying to get this unit on the table I also wondered what this model would look like, since it is a missile shooting platform that was disguised as a tank. The Pereh was in use secretly for over 25 years and was finally declassified in 2015 before being pulled from service in 2017.

My first attempt to make a small IDF force from Oil War used a small formation of Magach 6 tanks backed up by the Pereh platoon, so when I was sent these boxes to review I was excited to get the chance to try this force out on a table as bring you my review of these two new releases.

Why go to an ASL Tournament?

By David Garvin

In any calendar year, there are a number of regular Advanced Squad Leader (ASL) Tournaments. From the at Winter Offensive in January to the unofficial ASL Oktoberfest, () in October, there are more tournaments than months in a year. These span the globe, though most are in the US. There are even a number of online tournaments using (VASL), a freeware game that allows for online live play as well as for the somewhat cumbersome play by email (PBEM). A quick and incomplete check of the shows 19 tournaments in 2019 alone. The number is closer to 25.

Winter Offensive at a glance

FoW Firestorm Stalingrad Campaign day at D6 Games

On April 13th the Screaming Eagle put on a very special Firestorm Stalingrad day at D6 Games in Rochester Mn. Using the Stalingrad kit from Battlefront, players battled for the area around and in Stalingrad. In all, we had seven tables. Three of which were city tables, and four country tables.

Players were pledged to a side (Russian or German) and could bring a 109 point list for battles in the country and/or a 60 point list for battles in the city. I did make one allowance for Italians to be included, though, the Lancia was removed and replaced with another 88-platoon.

FOW LW Battle Rep: It Paras vs US TD

By Benny Christiansen

As FOW V4 was released, I still remember that surprise I felt when I found out just how mobile the game became. Mobile is a word that contains value based on your own point of view. In this case, I am thinking of the infantry and the amount of movement they made. In my V3 games infantry tend to stay stationary and in competitive situations, I would have a certain way I would deploy my infantry platoons to optimize my defensive position. After deployment, they would rarely – if ever – move.

Under V4 rules, my infantry will, in most of my games, be forced to move a lot. Under the V4 system, I see only benefits in moving them (in general). Standing still is an invitation for destruction. But such claims are easy to make and hard to prove. So I will try to make an example via a game I played recently.

The Science of Wargaming: Playtesting

I have a lot of experience in playtesting everything from miniatures, board wargames and even video games over my years in gaming. I also go out and seek opportunities to playtest when possible and my reasoning is simple, I want the community to enjoy their gaming experience as much as possible.

Over the last few weeks I have been playtesting the upcoming battleship game Heart of Leviathan (HoI) and someone asked me how I planned to play test this game. I thought the advice I gave was worth sharing it with the rest of the community.

Team Yankee Syrians, First Tournament Experience

By Matt Varnish

The lads from Montreal had their second annual Team Yankee tournament (I missed the first one) at JacHOBBY in Laval, a suburb of Montreal.  Their guys have come down to Ottawa for Canadian Nationals, so we returned the favour and crashed their tournament with myself, Rob, Scott and Andrew B.

The Store and Terrain

First of all, the store is fantastic, and they are the local seller of terrain and accessories.

I’m going to pimp their stuff despite not getting paid or anything, we spoke to the main guy, he basically designed 40k, WFB, RPG dungeon tiles and walls, Necromunda, and now has some 15mm stuff, seen below:


FOW Tactical suggestion: Red Banner Gunline

By Benny Christiansen

Having played a few games with less than 50% win rate, I have decided to try and find a stronger list. One of the things that I have thought about earlier is the “Gun line”. Many of the lists in FOW MW are mobile and flexible. I find MW to be a game of mobility, but I have decided to test that requirement by making this Gun Line list.