Kampfgruppes in FOW – Part 1: Assembling your KG

Today we are going over part one of a three-part series of Kampfgruppes (KG) in Flames of War.

The first thing you may be thinking to yourself if you played Flames of War in Version 3, is that the Kampfegruppe rule was taken out in Version 4.

I am actually referring to a little known, but very well written article that Battlefront put out when Desperate Measures was released. In that article, is a Random Kampfgruppe Generator.

The Kampfgruppe Generator is used to simulate what a German Commander might have faced when an operation got underway. He really didn’ know what he had till it was time to go into action.

For example, several of the tanks could have broken down on the way to battle. His company of Panzergrenadiers actually may be only Platoon size, or worse, squad size. Inits that existed in paper only. The Battalion of Panzers that were promised to him from reserve ends up being just too worn down Panthers.

The Art of Wargaming: List Building

My First Game (Notice headless Mitch in the top left?)

Greetings from Virginia. I wanted to start by introducing myself. I began my journey into tabletop wargaming as many of us do, with a force of plastic warriors from Games Workshop’s, Warhammer Fantasy.

I reveled in the joy of High elves before slowly getting bored with the game. I found a winning strategy ended up with who had spent more USD and not who had built a better force on paper or led his troops better.

I moved from Warhammer to a new game I had seen at my FLGS, Flames of War (FoW). This game seemed to have it all. Tactics, list building, and strong individual models (Yup I thought King Tigers were invincible, how quaint young me was.)

Armoured Fist and what it means to the tournament scene.

Today we take a look at how Battlefront’s Latest addition the mid-war desert books, Armoured Fist, changes the tournament scene. It’s complicated.

One of the most talked about and biggest changes that come with Armoured Fist is actually something that affects the Desert Rats book. The hotly contest Scout Tanks card has been changed, making the cost two points for each platoon using it, and the card must be applied to every platoon it is viable for. This is a huge, much-needed change.

Battlefront set the point cost for the card too low on the first go around, but, I will give them credit for admitting their mistake and fixing it. This change, however, will kill the Stuarts swarm of 50+ tanks.

Review: PSC 15mm Valentines

Assembly of Mk II finished.

Plastic Soldier Company has released their and 20mm scales. They were kind enough to send NDNG a set of 15mm for review.

Out of the box, the 15mm sprues are impressive, yet daunting. Two hull tops are included – one with side skirts, one without. The instructions list the side-skirt hull as the Valentine III and IX model.

These tanks are a welcome addition, with both Flames of War and BattleGroup focussing on Desert War in North Africa right now. Players of any 15mm WWII game with an eye toward North Africa, or even the Eastern Front with Valentines as Lend-Lease can make good use of this set.

NDNG Podcast 10 – Armoured Fist

 “Chairborne” Tom Mullane,  “Iron” Tom Burgess, and Dennis “Matt Varnish” Campbell look deep into the new gaming goodness, the British Mid-War “Armoured Fist” Flames of War expansion book.

What news forces does the new book add to Mid-War? What new forces does this book have the guys excited about starting? And…how awesome is the Churchill tank?

Firestorm Tunisia: Units

By Scott Grasse

One of the exciting features of a Firestorm campaign is the use of additional “free” units that are added to players’ forces for each battle. These additional troops represent the combat power associated with the units fighting on the campaign map – the more units attacking on the map, the greater the force attacking on the battle table.

Troop types in Firestorm Tunisia: Armor, Infantry, Delaying Force, Fortification, and Roadblock.

FOW Historic event – Danish Viking Style

By: Benny Christiansen

In the Danish FOW Community, we have a tradition of playing historic events. Once a year, I participate in the event called “Østerskov”. This year it was in a simplified version. I hope to give you an insight into the event by providing you with information about my lists and why I chose them, as well as brief reports of the battles I played.

The event had around 26 players. As a typical historical event, we play Axis vs Allied and we had to make two lists; one from Overlord/Atlantic Wall for the game Friday night, and then for Saturday’s games, you can choose to play a list from one of these books: Atlantik wall, Overlord, Bridge by Bridge, Market Garden, Battle for the Bulge, the Ardennes Offensive, Bridge at Remagen or Nachtjäger. Lists were set at 1400. We had to note, in advance, which units we wanted in reserves.