First Blooding – A Battlegroup mini-campaign
By Tom Gall
is a point to point mini-campaign that can be downloaded from the PSC website for 5.00 British Pounds or ~$7 USD. What you get is a 20 page PDF document that guides you through running the campaign for your players. It includes a 2 page theatre map. a very well written history of the situation as well as all the needed administrative items such as how to handle movement, setup battles and otherwise be an effective and fun referee. The campaign is geared for the Battlegroup [1] set of WWII rules.
Kasserine as you might remember took place in Feb of 1943 as the Germans were under increasing pressure from the East and West after the Torch landings. The Axis under Rommel had decided to direct an offensive at the largely untested Americans through the Kasserine Pass. Defending the area of the allies was the US II Corps, British 6th Armored Division as well as elements of free French.
For those looking to stitch together a series of games where the outcomes matter, a campaign such as this is a great choice. It presents your players with a series of actions based on their moves on the larger theatre map. Not all games will be equally balanced and this can test the will of a gamer having to play a tough defensive action where the odds are long. On the other hand, a campaign setting gives your players a focused setting where the fruits of their painting labor can see plenty of action on the table top.